Homework for February 22-26th

Happy Monday to you all!  I hope everyone had a nice weekend!  
We are still working on fractions, but we will be focusing mostly on equivilant fractions this week.  Fractions have been really fun and a nice way to change things up in math.  I feel like the students are understanding fractions really well!

Don’t forget our fieldtrip to the Clarke Planetarium on this Wednesday.  I will be posting on Tuesday to give a checklist of all the reminders.  WE are super excited for a day in SLC!

Monday-Sort words by indicated spelling pattern.

Group #1-yellow sort 24
Group #2-yellow sort 36
Group #3-yellow sort 36
Group #4-yellow sort 41

Math hmwk-equivilant fractions hmwk 1

Tuesday- ABC Sort
Math hmwk-equivilant fractions hmwk 2

Wednesday- Open Sort
Math hmwk-equivilant fractions hmwk 3
**Fieldtrip to the Clarke Planetarium in SLC**

Thursday- Speed Sort
Math hmwk-equivilant fractions hmwk 4

Friday-Homework and  Sort and Reading Log due!
**Dollar Dress Down Day and Early Out at 1:00**

Early Christmas!!

It was a Christmas in November in our classroom this morning! Our class received 2 complete Dot and Dash robots and all the accessories thanks to Mr. & Mrs. Gibson, along with Jerry, Paulette and Cookie Gibson. We are so excited to use these amazing pieces of technology!! The students will be coding on the iPad to get Dot and Dash to complete tasks. What a great way to help us reach our STEM goals!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!                            

Homework for November 9-13th

Monday-Sort words by indicated spelling pattern.
Group #1-yellow sort 20
Group #2-yellow sort 26
Group #3-yellow sort 32
Group #4-yellow sort 38
Group #5-yellow sort 43
Math hmwk-arrays1

Tuesday- ABC sort
Math hmwk-arrays hmwk 2

Wednesday-Open Sort (Sort the words however you’d like.)
Math hmwk-arrays hmwk 3

Thursday-Speed Sort
Math-arrays hmwk 4

FridayHomework and Sort and Reading Log due!