HELP with Art Books Please!!

I have been saving all of your children’s art projects throughout the year to place into a personal Art Book. Each student will get to take home their Art Book on the last day of school. I am in search of a few parents help me with this HUGE project. Please let me know if you can help. Thanks for everything!

Homework for May 9th-13th

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!  It’s pretty crazy how fast the days are flying by!  This week, we will be reviewing for our Math and LA SAGE tests that are coming up over the next two weeks.  

In math, we pretty much finished up the end of the third grade math curriculum last week with equations. For math homework, I want to review some skills that were pretty tricky this year.  In class, we will focus on story problems since SAGE is filled with them.  

**We have the SAGE Language Arts tests this week on Wednesday (5/11) from 1:00-2:00 and Friday (5/13) from 2:00-3:00.**

I posted on the blog Friday about painting the backdrop for the play.  Please let me know if you will be able to help us!  Thanks! 🙂

**Please start getting costumes together for Dress Rehearsal on Thursday, May 12th at 2:00.  We will  be performing the actual play on Tuesday, May 24rd (the last Tuesday of school) in the Q1 gym from 2:00-3:00.**

**We are officially done with WTW spelling sorts, but we will be reviewing the 300 high frequency words for third grade.  For the last few weeks of homework, it will only consist of math and reading minutes.**

Math hmwk-review hmwk 1

Math hmwk-review hmwk 2

Math hmwk-review hmwk 3

Math hmwk-review hmwk 4

Friday-Homework and Sort and Reading Log due!

Homework for April 25th-29th

I hope everyone had another nice, relaxing weekend! There are lots of important pieces of information you need to know. As we bringing the year to a close, there will be a lot of announcements I will be posting. Please make sure you’re checking the blog often. Thanks!

In math, we finished up mass with grams and kilograms last week, and we are moving on to measuring length with inches (quarter inch, half inch and three-fourth inches). This unit is pretty fun for the kids! It will be a nice way to mix things up!

**We have the SAGE writing tests this week (Tuesday and Thursday mornings). Please make sure your students are here on time those days.  I posted our class SAGE schedule for the end of the year. Please check it out a few posts back.**

I posted all play parts last week. If you have not read that post, please go back and read it for details. I did have to make a schedule change for the day of the play. We will now be performing it on Tuesday, May 24rd (the last Tuesday of school) in the Q1 gym from 2:00-3:00.

**This is our last week of WTW sorts.  WE have so many things that are going on in May, so we will only have math homework and reading minutes due each Friday for the rest of the year.**
Monday-Sort words by indicated spelling pattern.
Group #1-yellow sort 31
Group #2-yellow sort 43
Group #3-yellow sort 43
Group #4-yellow sort 49

Math hmwk-inches hmwk 1

Tuesday- ABC Sort
Math hmwk-inches hmwk 2

Wednesday- Open Sort
Math hmwk-inches hmwk 3

Thursday- Speed Sort
Math hmwk-inches hmwk 4

Friday-Homework and Sort and Reading Logdue!

**Fieldtrip Reminder: Please Read!!**

Our field trip is tomorrow, April 21st. We need all children at the Frontrunner Station in Roy no later than 8:15. Please drop your student off there before bringing other children to Quest. We will NOT be able to wait for a late child to arrive.
Please make sure your child visits the restroom before you leave home, the train is not equipped to handle 120 children using the restroom.
If you feel your child needs something to do on the Frontrunner, they may bring a book, cards, a small travel game, or what you feel is appropriate. Please note we are not responsible for lost, broken or stolen items.
Your child needs a coat, a lunch, a water bottle, and a backpack. Their backpack is their desk and coatroom for the day.
Please do not send money. We are also asking that volunteer parents not purchase ANYTHING at the Aquarium.
We will be eating lunch outside. Please plan accordingly. No microwaves will be available.
We will return to the Roy Station at about 3:45.
Please do not take any child from the Frontrunner Station until you have checked them out with their teacher.

Homework for April 18th-22nd

I hope everyone had another nice, relaxing weekend! There are lots of important pieces of information you need to know. As we bringing the year to a close, there will be a lot of announcements I will be posting. Please make sure you’re checking the blog often. Thanks!

In math, we finished up liquid capacity with milliliters and liters last week, and we are moving on to measuring weight in mass (grams and kilograms). This unit is pretty fun for the kids! It will be a nice way to mix things up!
**I will be using graham crackers for a math activity this week.  Please let me know if you DO NOT want your child to have any.  Thanks!**

Our field trip to the Aquarium is this Thursday, April 21st.  IT should be such a fun time!  We are super excited!

**I posted our class SAGE schedule for the end of the year. Please check it out a few posts back.**

I posted all play parts last week. If you have not read that post, please go back and read it for details. I did have to make a schedule change for the day of the play. We will now be performing it on Tuesday, May 24rd (the last Tuesday of school) in the Q1 gym from 2:00-3:00.

Monday-Sort words by indicated spelling pattern.
Group #1-yellow sort 30
Group #2-yellow sort 42
Group #3-yellow sort 42
Group #4-yellow sort 48

Math hmwk-mass hmwk 1

Tuesday- ABC Sort
Math hmwk-mass hmwk 2

Wednesday- Open Sort
Math hmwk-mass hmwk 3

Thursday- Speed Sort
Math hmwk-mass hmwk 4

Friday-Homework and Sort and Reading Log due!

Homework for April 11-15th

I hope everyone had a nice, relaxing weekend!  There are lots of important pieces of information you need to know.  As we bringing the year to a close, there will be a lot of announcements I will be posting.  Please make sure you’re checking the blog often.  Thanks!

In math, we finished up elapsed time last week, and we are moving on to liquid capacity.  This unit is pretty fun for the kids!  It will be a nice way to mix things up!

**Don’t forget to turn field trip permission slips in by Friday, April 15th along with a $4.00 donation for students and $7.00 donation for parents.**

**I posted our class SAGE schedule for the end of the year.  Please check it out a few posts back.**

I posted all play parts last week.  If you have not read that post, please go back and read it for details.  I did have to make a schedule change for the day of the play.  We will now be performing it on Tuesday, May 24rd (the last Tuesday of school) in the Q1 gym from 2:00-3:00.

**Our class will have our FREE Dress Down Day this Monday, April 11th for turning in the most Box Tops.**

Monday-Sort words by indicated spelling pattern.
Group #1-yellow sort 29
Group #2-yellow sort 41
Group #3-yellow sort 41
Group #4-yellow sort 47

Math hmwk-capacity hmwk 1

Tuesday- ABC Sort
Math hmwk-capacity hmwk 2

Wednesday- Open Sort
Math hmwk-capacity hmwk 3

Thursday- Speed Sort
Math hmwk-capacity hmwk 4

Friday-Homework and Sort and Reading Log due!