Homework for September 24th-28th

We had a great time carving our Apple Witch heads on Friday!  Thanks so much or all the volunteers that helped our class.  These Apple Witches are going to turn out adorable!  More info coming soon about the next steps for Apple Witches.

Thank you SO much for all the School Store classroom donations!  The students loved seeing new, fun things to buy at Store. 🙂

***If you haven’t already, please subscribe to my blog and get the BLOOMZ app and create an account.  The BLOOMZ class code is UEDPZG.  Please make sure you set your account up so you receive notifications.  These are the two main forms of communication, so I’d love all the parents getting all the reminders. Thanks!****

**DOLLAR DRESS DOWN DAY Friday, September 28th**


 Math:  Each student will need to get onto www.reflexmath.com and complete their “green light” Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (4 sessions).  I will teach the students how to login to the app/website.  Just in case they don’t remember, the class username is “waddell3” and all passwords are “rams”.

Reading:  Each student needs to read at least 20 minutes (Monday-Thursday).  Please print off the Reading Log, fill out the form and return on Friday.  The Reading Log can be cut into fourths and used over the next four weeks.  If for some reason, you can’t print it off, please write it on paper instead. 🙂

HOMEWORK for September 17th-21st

What a beautiful weekend.  I hope you all had a nice break from the school/work week.  It’s always nice time to relax and have some down time!

Thank you SO much for all the School Store classroom donations!  The students loved seeing new, fun things to buy at Store. 🙂

***If you haven’t already, please subscribe to my blog and get the BLOOMZ app and create an account.  The BLOOMZ class code is UEDPZG.  Please make sure you set your account up so you receive notifications.  These are the two main forms of communication, so I’d love all the parents getting all the reminders. Thanks!****


 Math:  Each student will need to get onto www.reflexmath.com and complete their “green light” Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (4 sessions).  I will teach the students how to login to the app/website.  Just in case they don’t remember, the class username is “waddell3” and all passwords are “rams”.

Reading:  Each student needs to read at least 20 minutes (Monday-Thursday).  Please print off the Reading Log, fill out the form and return on Friday.  The Reading Log can be cut into fourths and used over the next four weeks.  If for some reason, you can’t print it off, please write it on paper instead. 🙂

Apple Witches

Apple Witch Example3rd grade has a tradition of carving and dressing apple witches each fall. It is a super fun project that we will connect with a writing activity. Apple witches will be carved in September and set out dry until we dress them in October, just in time for Halloween. We will be carving our apple witches on Friday morning.  I need every student to bring one medium sized apple (we will not be eating them) by Thursday September 20th. The apple needs to be medium size, too big and it will rot, too small and the face won’t be visible.  

In order to do this, I need several parent volunteers who would be willing to come into our class on Friday, September 21st at 12:30 and help with this project for an hour or so. We will need 8 parent volunteers, 1/8 teaspoons (at least 10), and apple peelers (at least 8). If you have any of these items but cannot attend, please send them with your child, and I will make sure that they get back to you. 

Later, I will also need a few parent volunteers to sew (at home) extra witch costumes (very easy sewing).  If you would like to volunteer, you may let me know on BLOOMZ, email, or comment on this post.

Homework for September 10th-14th

I hope everyone had a nice fall weekend.  We are starting to get into our routines here in the classroom.  Thanks for all your help and support.

We started School Store last Friday.  We are in need of School Store supplies.  Any donations would be appreciated.  Some things that the kids like are small and big toys, school supplies, art supplies, games, jewelry, balls, etc.

***If you haven’t already, please subscribe to my blog and get the BLOOMZ app and create an account.  The BLOOMZ class code is UEDPZG.  Please make sure you set your account up so you receive notifications.  These are the two main forms of communication, so I’d love all the parents getting all the reminders. Thanks!****


 Math:  Each student will need to get onto www.reflexmath.com and complete their “green light” Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (4 sessions).  I will teach the students how to login to the app/website.  Just in case they don’t remember, the class username is “waddell3” and all passwords are “rams”.

Reading:  Each student needs to read at least 20 minutes (Monday-Thursday).  Please print off the Reading Log, fill out the form and return on Friday.  The Reading Log can be cut into fourths and used over the next four weeks.  If for some reason, you can’t print it off, please write it on paper instead. 🙂

Homework for September 3rd-7th

I hope everyone had a nice, long Labor Day Weekend!!  The first full week of school was great!  

***If you haven’t already, please subscribe to my blog and get the BLOOMZ app and create an account.  The BLOOMZ class code is UEDPZG.  Please make sure you set your account up so you receive notifications.  These are the two main forms of communication, so I’d love all the parents getting all the reminders. Thanks!****


 Math:  Each student will need to get onto www.reflexmath.com and complete their “green light” Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (4 sessions).  I will teach the students how to login to the app/website.  Just in case they don’t remember, the class username is “waddell3” and all passwords are “rams”.

Reading:  Each student needs to read at least 20 minutes (Monday-Thursday).  Please print off the Reading Log, fill out the form and return on Friday.  The Reading Log can be cut into fourths and used over the next four weeks.  If for some reason, you can’t print it off, please write it on paper instead. 🙂

September Poems and Great Brain Report

I sent home a copy of the September poems today. Students need to study, memorize and pass off one poem a month. 
September Poems
Students also need to read a chapter book in September, and complete a Great Brain Report by the end of the month.  The students can turn it in anytime throughout the month.  They will stand and present it in front of the class.  Both the monthly poem and Great Brain Report are required and graded assignments.