It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s SuPeR WoRk!

Warm/Cool Watercolor Space Art
Oreo Cookie Moon Phases Activity

Sunflower Crayon/Watercolor Resist Art from Friday


6 thoughts on “It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s SuPeR WoRk!

    • WE will start book reports next week. They need to be chapter books. I will go over the Great Brain book reports with the class tomorrow. We will also do one together as a whole group so they learn how they need to be completed. Also, I will not start School Store until after Labor Day. I want the kids to have plenty of money saved up, so they can actually buy a few things. Also, you are the only parent who signed up for School Store. My hope is that someone else will be willing to help!
      Hope that answers your questions.
      Miss Waddell

      • I can help out with school store. Just email me when you will need me. Also let me know of some things I can buy for the store. (I don’t know if anything has already been brought in)

        • Great! I would love as much help as I can possibly get with the store! I have Jen Brown already signed up to help, put maybe we can have a rotation where you each come every three weeks. Let me know if that works for you. We will start School Store on Friday, September 6th at 2:00. Some of the things that the students love to buy are school supplies, books, magazines, small toys, jewelry, nail polish, craft activities, etc. I hope that helps. Jen Johnson and Kathy, I can get you in touch with Jennifer Brown. I’ll email you each other’s numbers. Thanks for everything!
          Miss Waddell

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