Author Archives: jessica.ferrin

Zoo EssentialsOur Hogle Zoo Field Trip is nearly here, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18th.  Here are a few things to know before we go:1-  We are still accepting field trips donations at the Q1 office, suggested donation $18.00 for school year.  We greatly appreciate anything that you … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday Alice!

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Movie Under The Stars

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Please remind your students that toys of any kind are not allowed at school. The last couple days I have taken away all kinds of toys. They have become a huge distraction in the classroom and get lost and stolen. … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday Parker!

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Book Orders

Book Orders for this month will be due Sept. 28, 2018. Our class code is R4R8F. 

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Homework (Sept 10-14)

1- Math Homework:  ***Parents, please WRITE YOUR SIGNATURE on the math homework, indicating you did this activity with your child***A letter titled “Dear Family” will be sent home in your child’s blue take-home-folder on Monday.  It provides an activity to do together.  … Continue reading

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Hogle Zoo Field Trip

 We have received confirmation that our Hogle Zoo Field Trip will be Tuesday, September 18th. Lunch:There are school sack lunches available for field trips. School sack lunches contain an Uncrustable sandwich, applesauce or apple, carrots and shelf-stable chocolate or white milk. Orders MUST be submitted by … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday Kache!

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Starting this week our class will have PE every Tuesday and Thursday. Please make sure your child comes to school in appropriate shoes, thank you!

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