

Please read the poem below and then comment to this post. Remember to write complete sentences. Use capitals, commas, and end punctuation. Answer the question asked!

Question: Today you listened to Martin Luther King Jr.’s speech, “I Have a Dream.” Who do you think this poem is talking about? Do you think that his dream has come true?
Screen Shot 2014-01-11 at 4.45.16 PM

37 Responses to Centers

  1. kessler says:

    I think it is him self because it ses he had a dream.

  2. tammi says:

    The author said live your dream.But he lived his dream two.It was to bring joy to everybody.He wanted white people to be nice to black.

  3. noah says:

    i think it was abot boys and girls and peple because he side gentle bless each boy and girl

  4. regina says:

    the author was talking about his dream not someone else’s and his dream was to let freedom ring to everyone.

  5. sophie says:

    i think he had a dream cause it said he had a dream and he understood

  6. preston#24 says:

    it is the author’s dream.

  7. Tyson says:

    I think that the author was Martin Lother King Jr. that did this poem because it sounds just like how that he made the big speach in washington so I think he made the poem.

  8. adrianna says:

    The author is the one who is telling the story.

  9. william says:

    I think the author is happy about this pome.

  10. Jake says:

    I think he is talking about every one becase he said he had a dream of every boy and girl. :]

  11. londyn says:

    I think the author is talking about every one because every one should hold hands and not be alone.

  12. jaxson says:

    i think he is talking about someone else because he said “he had a dream.”

  13. Julian says:

    he is talking about his dream

  14. kaylee says:

    I think it is his and other people.

  15. annie says:

    he is toking about ether people

  16. Destri says:

    i think that the author wants everyone to be happy and fair

  17. presley johnson says:

    i think the author ii teling the story hehad a draem

  18. snitker says:

    I think that it is martin luther king says this and it is th black peaple dreams.

  19. snitker says:

    I think it is martin luther kings dream and his poem and it is the black peaples dream.p.s. do we have home work tonight.pleas no I don’t like home work.

  20. Jake.Moser says:

    I think he is talk ing about every one case he said every boy and girl!!!!!!!!!

  21. snitker says:

    P.S. the Broncos are in the super bowl.

  22. adrianna says:

    Dr.Marten Luther King the one who is teling the story
    ps.yes I do think the dream keam true.

  23. sophie langsdon says:

    i think someone else dream because someone else toldhis dream is living right y and yes

  24. sophie langsdon says:

    yes it is someone else dream

  25. noah says:

    I think that he is not talking abut him self because he said bless every boy and girl so I think he is not tanking abut himself

  26. kaylee says:

    I think it is about other people because he said he and she and he said every boy and girl will be together.I have a dream he said he wants peace, and cindness.

  27. londyn says:

    I think he is talking about every one because he said I have a dream that simple joy would gently bless a boy and a girl.And we should hold hands and never walk alone.

  28. TYSON says:

    It is looking to the Martin Luther King Jr. speach I have a dream it was 25 minutes long I can’t belive that he he said I have a dream so many times in the end of the speach.

  29. Regina says:

    I think the author is talking about Martin Luther King Jr.s dream and it did come true.

  30. hayden funk says:

    I think this poem is talking about Marten Luther King Jr.And yes I think his dreem came true

  31. hayden funk says:

    I think this poem is talking about Marten Luther King Jr.And yes I think his dream came true.

  32. noah says:

    yes yes yes

  33. Hayden Funk says:

    Blah blah blah blah

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