A few Announcements

***I have completed all of the daily trackers and you can now view them and see what your child has accomplished during the day. If you have questions, or concerns, feel free to contact me.  
***Tomorrow (Wednesday) is our library day. Instead of meeting with me at 8:30, students will log into the Library Google Classroom and the click on Mrs. Anderson’s Zoom link. When they are finished in there then they will come back to me for math time at 9:00. If your child did not join her classroom with me on Monday they will need to join her class. PLEASE CHECK YOUR EMAIL, or BLOOMZ for directions on how to have your child join. Every Wednesday @ 8:30 students will meet with her. 
***For our language arts time, activity and tutoring for tomorrow (Wednesday from 10:30 until 1:00) I will not be meeting with students on Zoom. I have family business that I need to attend to. So for language art, students will watch a video with directions for the assignments that will be due tomorrow. I will post this under the Classwork tab under Language Arts. As for the activity and tutoring I will be canceling those. I will be back on Thursday and we will meet like normal.  
Thank you for being flexible during this time! You are amazing and I really appreciate all of your support!
Thank you, 
Ms. Beckstead
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