Homework for the Week of Sept. 26th!

Spelling Words
Bengal Spelling Words #1
  • CHANGE IN SPELLING!!!  We have been doing our spelling on google forms, but I have learned that this is very hard to manage on my part. So, I will be changing how to submit the spelling homework.  Instead of submitting under google forms, the student will log into Google classroom and do the spelling sorts there.  The sorts will still be the same.
    • Monday – Category Sort
    • Tuesday – ABC Sort
    • Wednesday – Speed Sort
    • Thursday – 7-UP Sentence Sort
  • If you look under the e-Homework submission tab, you will find the directions and a sample page of what the homework will look like. 
  • We will do the first sort, tomorrow night’s homework, in class tomorrow afternoon.  I want to make sure that the students are comfortable with getting into Google Classroom. 
  • Please have your child read every night for 20 minutes.  You can keep track of your reading minutes on this reading log, or, you can submit your child’s reading minutes under the homework tab, e-submission, reading minutes link.  Make sure that the reading minutes are turned in on Friday, in the folder, or online.
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