Important Dates for the next two weeks!!
- We have a crazy few weeks left of school. Please make sure that you check the blog often for updates.
- We are done with homework for the year, however, please, please, please continue to read EVERY night for at least 20 minutes. We have worked hard on improving our reading throughout the year and we don’t want to lose those skills over the summer. There are some great reading programs available during the summer through Scholastic and Barnes & Noble. Keep your eye out for more information to be posted about these great programs.
- SAGE Testing
- Tuesday @ 9:40
- Thursday @ 9:40
- ****TUESDAY @ 2:00 – CLASS PLAY!!!! Everyone is welcomed to come and see our class play in the Q1 gym. We have worked hard to pull this together. Please make sure that your child brings their costume this day!!! Students will start getting ready around 1:00 and you are more than welcome to come then to help your child get ready. Also, we could use help setting up chairs in the gym. We will start setting up @ 1:30.
- Thursday, May 25th – Field Day and Talent Show (Sign up if you are interested) – Short Day!
- Friday, May 26th – Last Day of School & Short Day! Please try and have your child here this day! We are doing a lot of fun things, and I want a chance to say goodbye before summer break!!
The time has come to put our Hermit Crabs up for adoption! In order to put in for adoption, you will need to do a couple of things. In order to adopt, you will need to provide a container for the crabs to live in, and insure that you will be willing to take care of them, feed them, purchase salt water for them, and Hermit Crab Dirt. They need to have their dirt changed about every 3 weeks. The dirt and the salt water can be purchased at most pet stores. If you would like to adopt, please do the following:
First, send a note with your child by
THURSDAY that states you would like to adopt 2 hermit crabs.
Second, fill out the note I will send home with interested families and return it by
Third, know that this is a drawing, all names of those who are interested will be put in a random name generator and the computer will draw the adoptive families.
Fourth, if your name is drawn, you will have the weekend to purchase your items and
bring them to school by Monday.
Good luck to all interested families!