Homework for the Week of March 14th!


  •  We do not have school on Friday!  So. please submit reading log and sorts on Wednesday night and bring in math on Thursday.
  • In math we are working on interpreting data from line plots.
  • We are learning how to use Google Slides and the kids are loving it!
  • Quest Gala is March 21st!  I hope to see some of you there.
Please remember to submit your homework online under the homework tab, or, print out the Sort and Reading Log (below) and send it in on Wednesday night.  I have many students who are not submitting their reading minutes or sorts.  Please make sure that these get handed in. 

– 20 minutes every night
Students may use RAZ-KIDS for reading.  Username lbeckstead0 (0=zero, not the letter)


Monday –
Line Plot 1
Tuesday – Line Plot 2
Wednesday – Line Plot 3

– Please print the words out and have them pick from the following categories to do nightly at home.  Your child only needs to do 1 a night.
1. Sort your words into categories -Always do this one on Monday night
and have your child explain the rule to you.  The rest of the week, your child may choose what he/she would like to do for the rest of the week.
2. Turn the word sorts face down. Time your child to see how long it takes them to sort them into the correct categories.  Do this 3x (You may only choose this sort to do once a week)
3. Write the words 3x each.
4. Write the words in ABC order
5. Give your child a practice spelling test.
6. Play ball – Have your child grab someone to play catch and let the fun begin.  The person helping your child will say the word to him/her and he/she will spell the work back to you. Every time your child throws the ball have them say one letter of the word.  Continue until your child has spelled the word.  If your child makes a mistake, correctly spell the word for them, and have them start over.
7. Glue Down Sort – Glue down your sorts and a piece of paper in the correct categories.
8.  Syllable Sort – Sorts your words according to how many syllable each word has
9. ABC Sort – Write your words in their correct categories in alphabetical order

Yellow Group
Kaydin, Abby C., Maggie, Abbi H., Mallorie, Jake, Karlos, Samantha O., Nikolas, Ty, Carrie, Sadie
Green Group
Grant, Cohen, Halle, Evan, Makeila, Christian, Samantha C., Tyler, Joe
Orange Group
Guillermo, Kenzie, Bethany
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Math Lesson Tomorrow!

We are doing a math lesson tomorrow on picture graphs and pictographs with graham crackers. Please let me know if your child can not eat them after the lesson. Thanks!
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Free Day Friday!

Parents and Students,
Friday afternoon will be a free day.  Students may bring something small from home to play with.  Electronics my be brought in, but please know that students will not have internet access.  If you have any questions, feel free to email me. 
Ms. Beckstead
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Homework for the week of March 7th!


  • In math we are moving on to reading different types of graphs.
  • If you do not know how to see your child’s work on Seesaw, please let me know.  Seesaw is a really cool class blog that your child posts to weekly.
  • We have been doing research for our animal reports.  We will be putting the  information on Google Slides this week. 
Please remember to submit your homework online under the homework tab, or, print out the Sort and Reading Log (below) and send it in on Thursday.  I have many students who are not submitting their reading minutes or sorts.  Please make sure that these get handed in. 

– 20 minutes every night
Students may use RAZ-KIDS for reading.  Username lbeckstead0 (0=zero, not the letter)


Monday –
Bar Graph 1
Tuesday – Bar Graph 2
Wednesday – Pictograph 1
Thursday –  
Pictograph 2

– Please print the words out and have them pick from the following categories to do nightly at home.  Your child only needs to do 1 a night.
1. Sort your words into categories -Always do this one on Monday night
and have your child explain the rule to you.  The rest of the week, your child may choose what he/she would like to do for the rest of the week.
2. Turn the word sorts face down. Time your child to see how long it takes them to sort them into the correct categories.  Do this 3x (You may only choose this sort to do once a week)
3. Write the words 3x each.
4. Write the words in ABC order
5. Give your child a practice spelling test.
6. Play ball – Have your child grab someone to play catch and let the fun begin.  The person helping your child will say the word to him/her and he/she will spell the work back to you. Every time your child throws the ball have them say one letter of the word.  Continue until your child has spelled the word.  If your child makes a mistake, correctly spell the word for them, and have them start over.
7. Glue Down Sort – Glue down your sorts and a piece of paper in the correct categories.
8.  Syllable Sort – Sorts your words according to how many syllable each word has
9. ABC Sort – Write your words in their correct categories in alphabetical order

Yellow Group
Kaydin, Abby C., Maggie, Abbi H., Mallorie, Jake, Karlos, Samantha O., Nikolas, Ty, Carrie, Sadie
Green Group
Grant, Cohen, Halle, Evan, Makeila, Christian, Samantha C., Tyler, Joe
Orange Group
Guillermo, Kenzie, Bethany
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Gala and Basket Information!

This year Quest wanted to provide our students with additional learning opportunities by providing clubs and STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) activities. We unfortunately did not have unlimited funds and were limited with the number of students who could participate.  In the future, we would like to offer additional club opportunities for everyone to enjoy.  POQA has taken on the task of raising money and has chosen not to sell cookie dough or gift wrap but to provide an opportunity to showcase what our students have done at a dinner event and silent auction.

Basket Fundraiser (in support of STEM activities for our students)

•Each grade has provided a theme basket with gifts, treats, gift cards, etc. Baskets can be viewed in the Q1 foyer.

•Anyone can purchase ticket(s)
Ticket prices
$1=1 ticket & a sticker
$5=6 tickets & a pencil
$10=15 tickets & a ball

•Tickets can then be placed in the bucket that coordinates with the basket of their choice

•The evening of the Gala, a ticket from each basket will be drawn and the basket will be awarded to the ticket holder (need not be present to win).

Gala tickets are on sale again this week,before and after school, in the foyer of Q1.  If you are unable to purchase tickets at that time, please email lblakely@questac.org with your name and phone number and we will contact you to make arrangements.

Thank you!
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Homework for the Week of Feb. 29th!


  • A huge THANK YOU to all the parents who helped with the our field trip.  We had a lot of fun!
  • If you do not know how to see your child’s work on Seesaw, please let me know.  Seesaw is a really cool class blog that your child posts to weekly.
  • We are working on fractions as  a group.
Please remember to submit your homework online under the homework tab, or, print out the Sort and Reading Log (below) and send it in on Thursday.  I have many students who are not submitting their reading minutes or sorts.  Please make sure that these get handed in. 

– 20 minutes every night
Students may use RAZ-KIDS for reading.  Username lbeckstead0 (0=zero, not the letter)


Monday –
Fractions as a Group
Tuesday – Fractions of a Group
Wednesday & Thursday –  Fraction Word Problems – Do 6 a night

– Please print the words out and have them pick from the following categories to do nightly at home.  Your child only needs to do 1 a night.
1. Sort your words into categories -Always do this one on Monday night
and have your child explain the rule to you.  The rest of the week, your child may choose what he/she would like to do for the rest of the week.
2. Turn the word sorts face down. Time your child to see how long it takes them to sort them into the correct categories.  Do this 3x (You may only choose this sort to do once a week)
3. Write the words 3x each.
4. Write the words in ABC order
5. Give your child a practice spelling test.
6. Play ball – Have your child grab someone to play catch and let the fun begin.  The person helping your child will say the word to him/her and he/she will spell the work back to you. Every time your child throws the ball have them say one letter of the word.  Continue until your child has spelled the word.  If your child makes a mistake, correctly spell the word for them, and have them start over.
7. Glue Down Sort – Glue down your sorts and a piece of paper in the correct categories.
8.  Syllable Sort – Sorts your words according to how many syllable each word has
9. ABC Sort – Write your words in their correct categories in alphabetical order

Yellow Group
Kaydin, Abby C., Maggie, Abbi H., Mallorie, Jake, Karlos, Samantha O., Nikolas, Ty, Carrie, Sadie
Green Group
Grant, Cohen, Halle, Evan, Makeila, Christian, Samantha C., Tyler, Joe
Orange Group
Guillermo, Kenzie, Bethany
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No Math Homework for Thursday Night!

Parents and Students,
In math today, we did not get to ordering fractions.  The homework is all about ordering fractions, so please do not have your child do the math homework.  We will have a free pass tonight on homework.
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Field Trip Reminder!

Field Trip Reminder!!
  1. Our field trip is tomorrow, February 24th.  We need all children at the Frontrunner Station in Roy no later than 8:15.  Please drop your student off there before bringing other children to Quest.  We will NOT be able to wait for a late child to arrive.
  2. Please make sure your child visits the restroom before you leave home, the train is not equipped to handle 120 children using the restroom.
  3. If you feel your child needs something to do on the Frontrunner, they may bring a book, cards, a small travel game or what you feel is appropriate.  Please note we are not responsible for lost, broken or stolen items.
  4. Your child needs a coat, a lunch, a water bottle and a backpack.  Their backpack is their desk and coatroom for the day.
  5. Please do not send money.  We are also asking that volunteer parents not purchase ANYTHING at the Planetarium.
  6. We will be eating lunch in the food court at the Gateway, (There is not a problem if our volunteer parents would like to purchase their lunches there.)
  7. If you are checking your child out while we are in Salt Lake, please make sure you sign the checkout paper with your child’s teacher.  Please make sure another parent will be responsible for the rest of your group.
  8. We will return to the Roy Station at about 2:45.  Please pick up your student BEFORE you pick up their siblings at Quest.
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Homework for the Week of Feb. 22


  • Our field trip is on Wednesday, the 24!
  • We ran out of time for Idioms on Seesaw, so please look for out Idioms this week!
  • We are working on equivalent fractions and ordering fractions in Math this week. 
  • Parent Teacher Conferences are on Thursday until 5:30.  If you would like to meet with me, please email me.
Please remember to submit your homework online under the homework tab, or, print out the Sort and Reading Log (below) and send it in on Thursday.  I have many students who are not submitting their reading minutes or sorts.  Please make sure that these get handed in. 

– 20 minutes every night
Students may use RAZ-KIDS for reading.  Username lbeckstead0 (0=zero, not the letter)


Monday –
Equivalent Fractions 1
Tuesday – Equivalent Fractions on a Number Line
Wednesday – Comparing Fraction
Thursday – Ordering Fractions

– Please print the words out and have them pick from the following categories to do nightly at home.  Your child only needs to do 1 a night.
1. Sort your words into categories -Always do this one on Monday night
and have your child explain the rule to you.  The rest of the week, your child may choose what he/she would like to do for the rest of the week.
2. Turn the word sorts face down. Time your child to see how long it takes them to sort them into the correct categories.  Do this 3x (You may only choose this sort to do once a week)
3. Write the words 3x each.
4. Write the words in ABC order
5. Give your child a practice spelling test.
6. Play ball – Have your child grab someone to play catch and let the fun begin.  The person helping your child will say the word to him/her and he/she will spell the work back to you. Every time your child throws the ball have them say one letter of the word.  Continue until your child has spelled the word.  If your child makes a mistake, correctly spell the word for them, and have them start over.
7. Glue Down Sort – Glue down your sorts and a piece of paper in the correct categories.
8.  Syllable Sort – Sorts your words according to how many syllable each word has
9. ABC Sort – Write your words in their correct categories in alphabetical order

Yellow Group
Kaydin, Abby C., Maggie, Abbi H., Mallorie, Jake, Karlos, Samantha O., Nikolas, Ty, Carrie, Sadie
Green Group
Grant, Cohen, Halle, Evan, Makeila, Christian, Samantha C., Tyler, Joe
Orange Group
Guillermo, Kenzie, Bethany
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Quest GALA Night

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