Wednesday, 3/25/2020 Lessons


Where’s Waldo Wednesday
Can you find Waldo?  Ha ha!  (Thanks Mrs. Barrett)

Good morning and welcome back!   
Remember to complete each learning activity listed.
(Click on the blue words to access the videos or websites)

1. 8:30 am: Go to (make sure you are logged into your quest academy google account)

2. Wonders Language Arts Lesson Video

  • Complete “Close Reading Companion” pages 154-156 and “Your Turn” page 254 from the Wonders Lesson Video above.
  • Writing Journal . Remember to start each sentence with a capital and end with correct punctuation.
  • Cut and Sort
  • Short Book– ABC order
Screen Shot 2020-03-23 at 11.51.18 AM**Remember you can always find the books we are reading for the week on your Wonders Online Activities site (Blue circle with red book). 

 iReady READING: Go to and log in with your QR code found on the outside of your packet.  Complete at least 15 minutes or more (Parents, please don’t give answers).
How to get to Clever/iReady Video

4. ECRI Phonics Lesson Part 1 
ECRI Phonics Lesson Part 2

5. Lunch Break

 Math Lesson Video

  • Complete Ready Math Pages 625-630 and practice worksheet assigned in the Math Lesson Video above.
  • Practice your Addition or Subtraction Fluency Page found in your blue folder (Goal: 3 min. 15 sec. for 1st grade problems and 5 minutes for 2nd grade problems). 

7. iReady MATH: Go to and log in with your QR code.  Complete 15 minutes or more.

8. Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Lesson

9. Keyboard Lesson.  Go to Typer Island and spend 10 or more minutes practicing.
How to Video

10. 12:45 Final check in at 

Additional Learning Ideas (Optional):

*Pete the Cat loves to write back when he receives a letter.  You can write a letter to Pete and send it to the address below.  I wonder what Pete the Cat has to say! 

Screen Shot 2020-03-23 at 12.58.55 PM

Mrs. Teichert is teaching today.  Feel free to email me ( with any questions you have.  I’ll be available via email from 8:00am to 4:00pm today.   Happy learning! 

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