Where’s Waldo Wednesday and Earth Day!
Welcome and well wishes to our wonderful class!
Remember to complete each learning activity listed.
*Note: If you get all your weekly work completed and all your weekly iReady minutes, you will be invited to something fun with Mrs. Teichert this Friday.
–Dragonflies (Brighton, Gabe), use the Zoom link and log-in at 10:00
–Grasshoppers (Gabe, Kenzie M, Brenlie, Bria, Miles), use the Zoom link and log in at 10:20
–Bees (Emma, Marayah, Violet), use the Zoom link and log in at 10:40
–Ladybugs, Butterflies, and Praying Mantises: finish reading “Helping Me, Helping You” found in your Wonders Online Activities so you are prepared to meet with the teacher tomorrow and discuss the book.
Today’s Assignments:
1. 8:30 am: Go to Zoom for our morning meeting. Use Google Classroom to get the Zoom meeting link. Daily attendance will be taken during this meeting.
2. Wonders Language Arts Lesson Video
- Complete Your Turn page 290 and Close Reading Companion pages 173, 174, 175
- Writing Journal
- Practice Sight Words/Fluency Phrases (When you can read through your list easily and fluently a parent/caretaker can “pass” it off!)

3. iReady READING: Go to clever.com Complete at least 10 minutes or more (Parents, please don’t give answers)
4. ECRI Phonics Lesson Part 1
ECRI Phonics Lesson Part 2
Decodable (Part 2): A Walk with Mayor Moose
Need a break between readings? Take Care of the Earth GoNoodle or Water Cycle GoNoodle
(Remember to reread the decodables at least 3 x’s)
5. Lunch Break
6. Math Lesson Video. We are working on Lesson 30, Session 4 today.
- Complete Ready Math Pages 711-714
- Practice your Addition or Subtraction Fluency Page found in your blue folder (Goal: 3 min. 15 sec. for 1st grade problems and 5 minutes for 2nd grade problems).

8. Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Lesson
9. 12:00 Coding/Keyboarding Lesson with Mrs. Fischer (join from her Google Classroom)
10. 12:45 Optional final check-in on Zoom. You only need to join if you have questions or want to say hello.
- Earth Day! Mystery Science: How Old is the Earth?
- Mrs. Vella Reading Earth Day Books
- Reading Rainbow: How Trash is Recycled Video
- Do the Hokey Pokey with Ms. Lauren
- Reading Homework passage called “Saltwater Snacking”
- Math Homework (Dear Family letter Lesson 30)
- Read for 20 minutes or more.
- RAZ kids Click on “Kids Login”. Teacher’s Username: FirstRams
- Wonders Online Activities
- Math Game: Addition Crossout (print the game board out or draw one on a blank piece of paper). Addition Crossout printout
- Keyboard: Go to Typer Island and spend 10 or more minutes practicing.
How to Video
Mrs. Teichert is teaching today. Feel free to email me (lteichert@questac.org) with any questions you have. I’ll be available via email from 8:00am to 4:00pm today. If I’m working with a small group, I’ll check my email as soon as possible. Happy learning!
*Can you find Waldo?