Welcome and well wishes to our wonderful class!
Remember to complete each learning activity listed.
–Dragonflies (Brighton, Gabe), use the Zoom link and log-in at 10:00
–Grasshoppers (Gabe, Kenzie M, Brenlie, Bria, Miles), use the Zoom link and log in at 10:20
–Bees (Emma, Marayah, Violet), use the Zoom link and log in at 10:40
–Ladybugs, Butterflies and Praying Mantises: finish reading “It’s Labor Day” found in your Wonders Online Activities so you are prepared to meet with the teacher tomorrow and discuss the book.
Today’s Assignments:
1. 8:30 am: Go to Zoom for our morning meeting. Use Google Classroom to get the Zoom meeting link. Daily attendance will be taken during this meeting.
2. Wonders Language Arts Lesson Video
- Complete Your Turn page 326 and
- Complete Close Reading Companion pages 194 and 195
- Writing Journal
- Practice Sight Words/Fluency Phrases (When you can read through your list easily and fluently a parent/caretaker can “pass” it off!)

3. iReady READING: Go to clever.com Complete at least 10 minutes or more (Parents, please don’t give answers)
4. ECRI Phonics Lesson Part 1
ECRI Phonics Lesson Part 2
Decodable (Part 2): The Bears Prepare a Feast
Need a break between readings? GoNoodle
(Remember to reread the decodables at least 3 x’s)
5. Lunch Break
6. Math Lesson Video. We are working on Lesson 24, Session 3 today.
- Complete Ready Math Pages 549-554
- Practice your Addition or Subtraction Fluency Page found in your blue folder (Goal: 3 min. 15 sec. for 1st grade problems and 5 minutes for 2nd grade problems).

8. Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Lesson
9. 12:00 Coding/Keyboarding Lesson with Mrs. Fischer (join from her Google Classroom)
10. 12:45 Optional final check-in on Zoom. You only need to join if you have questions or want to say hello.
- Reading Homework passage called “Smoothie Surprise”
- Math Homework (Dear Family letter Lesson 24)
- Read for 20 minutes or more.
- RAZ kids Click on “Kids Login”. Teacher’s Username: FirstRams
- Wonders Online Activities
- Math Game: Coin Exchange Game (print the game board out or draw one on a blank piece of paper). Coin Exchange Game printout
- Keyboard: Go to Typer Island and spend 10 or more minutes practicing.
How to Video
Mrs. Teichert is teaching today. Feel free to email me (lteichert@questac.org) with any questions you have. I’ll be available via email from 8:00am to 4:00pm today. If I’m working with a small group, I’ll check my email as soon as possible. Happy learning!
*Can you find Waldo?