Hello parents!Another great week ahead! Parent Teacher Conference will be Wednesday and Thursday this week which means there will be early out on both of those days. There will also be no school on Friday due to teacher work day. In ELA, we will continue to work on Visualize and Characters perspective. It has been […]
Hello Parents! It is time for another great week! Just a reminder that Friday is dollar dress down day! This week in math we will learn how to add fractions! They have been doing very well in math and I know they will grow in this topic as well! In ELA we will be working on visualizing and […]
Important information
Hello Parents! I just wanted to send this email out with information for the upcoming week! There is no school on Monday 01/15 for MLK day. We will begin Diagnostic testing in I Ready for math and ELA on Tuesday since we are halfway into the school year! We will be doing this for the rest of the week. […]
Sibling lottery
Hello friends!We are going to be pulling our first sibling lottery tomorrow. Would you please email/post to google classroom the following message so we can ensure the information is getting out to all of our families? Quest families, This is a friendly reminder that our Sibling Lottery will be pulled TOMORROW by 12:00 pm. If you have an incoming sibling […]
Families, welcome to another week! Hopefully, your family is enjoying the weekend snow fall! I have told my students they are welcome to wear snow boots and bring a change of shoes in case they don’t want to wear them all day; that way, they will have them for recess and after school as well. […]
January 1-5 Families, I hope everyone had an amazing holiday season! I just can’t believe we are just about halfway through the school year, and we are already into 2024. I will spend some time with my class discussing setting academic goals for this upcoming year and plans to achieve those goals. I’m looking forward to […]