
Welcome to the new school year! I am so excited to get to know all of my new students! Please take the time to  read over this document, with your child, carefully and make sure you understand everything! Inside is everything you will need to know to make this year a successful one. You can always come to me with concerns or questions. I believe that communication is a key factor in a successful classroom.

Contact Information:

Email – Mkierejewski@questac.org

Blog – http://qacblogs.org/madison.kierejewski/

Office Phone – (801) 731-9859

School Website – www.questac.org 

Please feel free to contact me at any time!

Blog – This is where you can keep on top of what is happening in the classroom. You can access my blog from the Quest Academy website, under People > Faculty K-5. Parents will be required to follow my blog to receive up to date emails and notices about classroom happenings. Also, if you have any questions, feel free to email or call me at the school.

Parents will:
*Communicate with me any questions and/or concerns.
*Be involved in the classroom and their student’s education by asking questions, volunteering, and helping students with projects and homework when appropriate.
*Follow through on students completing and turning in their homework.
*Treat other parents, students, and school personnel with respect and kindness.
*Be an example to their student.

Students will have PRIDE:
*P – Personal Responsibility – Come to class ready to learn and take charge of your learning!
*R – Respect – Treat each other, school personnel, parents, others, and property with kindness and respect.
*I – Integrity –  Be honest to oneself and others.  
*D – Discipline – Show self control in all areas of the school.  
*E – Engagement –  Keep me informed of their needs by asking questions to clarify 
assignments and new concepts. Be an active learner and do your best every day!

Classroom Policies:
All missed classwork will be placed on the student’s desk.  It will be the student’s responsibility to meet with me to go over material and questions on the work. Classwork missed is to be completed as homework and turned in by the date specified. If you plan to pick up your student’s work at the end of the day, please notify the office by 9 a.m. to give me time to get the assignments put together before the end of the day.  If you are going out of town for an extended period of time and would like school work in advance, please let me know the week before your child will be absent to gather all of the material.  

The administration has asked that students not bring in any food-type treats. Please do not feel “obligated” to have your student bring in anything for their birthday. Your child’s birthday will still be acknowledged. To avoid any hurt feelings, please mail birthday invitations to classmates’ homes. Each child’s birthday will be celebrated in class by the teacher! Students with summer birthdays will be celebrated within the first two weeks of school!

Academic Information:
The information taught aligns with the Utah State Office of Education’s Core Curriculum for 5th grade. Please refer to their website for additional information at http://www.corestandards.org/

Grading Scale:
4 – The student demonstrates mastery of the standard (can apply and teach).
3 – The student demonstrates proficiency in the standard.
2 – The student is approaching proficiency.
1 – The student is well below proficiency.

August 7, 2023.     Category: Uncategorized.   No Comments.

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