Special Dress down day NOT included in prepaid so please bring a dollar

We have a special oppurtunity to raise money for a teacher whos family has been hit with sickness, If you would like to participate in a special dress down day please send a dollar with your student. this is not apart of the prepaid dress down. 

November 14, 2024.     Category: Uncategorized.   No Comments.

yearbook cover contest

November 6, 2024.     Category: Uncategorized.   No Comments.


Hello 5th grade families!
There will be NO tutoring this week. 

English Language Arts (ELA)
Next week in ELA, we will explore the wonderful world of poems. By analyzing the plot, setting, and themes of these poems, students will deepen their understanding of poetic structure and literary elements. Additionally, we will focus on closed syllables to strengthen our skills. 

In math, we are expanding our knowledge by adding and subtracting decimals. Students will explore the relationship between decimals and how to add and subtract them correctly. 

Our science exploration is focused on Earth’s intricate systems. We will delve into the geosphere (the solid Earth), the biosphere (the living world), the cryosphere (the frozen parts of the planet), the hydrosphere (the water cycle), and the atmosphere (the gaseous envelope surrounding the Earth). By understanding how these systems interact, students will gain a deeper appreciation for the complex and dynamic nature of our home planet.
Thanks!Ms. Kierejewski

November 3, 2024.     Category: Uncategorized.   No Comments.


Thank you all for attending parent-teacher conferences. We appreciate your engagement and support as we continue our learning journey this school year.Please respond if you would be willing to help with the halloween party. 
There will be NO tutoring Monday only wednesday! I will send an email if your student needs it.

English Language Arts (ELA)
Next week in ELA, we will explore the wonderful world of folktales. By analyzing the plot, setting, and themes of these traditional stories, students will deepen their understanding of narrative structure and literary elements. Additionally, we will focus on inflectional endings to strengthen our spelling skills. Our work on our spooky Halloween stories will also continue as students refine their creative writing abilities.

In math, we are expanding our number sense by working on reading, writing, and understanding decimals. Students will explore the relationship between decimals and place value, learning to fluently convert between decimal and standard forms. We will also revisit the concept of powers of ten, building on our previous lessons to solidify our understanding of this important mathematical principle.

Our science exploration is focused on Earth’s intricate systems. We will delve into the geosphere (the solid Earth), the biosphere (the living world), the cryosphere (the frozen parts of the planet), the hydrosphere (the water cycle), and the atmosphere (the gaseous envelope surrounding the Earth). By understanding how these systems interact, students will gain a deeper appreciation for the complex and dynamic nature of our home planet.

Ms. Kierejewski

Important Dates
Oct 25th – Dollar Dress Down
Oct 26th – Trick or Treat Trot & Graveyard Gallop
Oct 31st – Halloween Parade, Party, and Early Out
Nov 1st – No School
Nov 3rd – Daylight Savings

October 20, 2024.     Category: Uncategorized.   No Comments.

October 13, 2024.     Category: Uncategorized.   No Comments.

October 13, 2024.     Category: Uncategorized.   No Comments.


Happy Fall!

Family-Teacher Conferences will be Monday and Tuesday this week. Both days are early out days. If you still want to try and sign up, please use this link to see if you can find a time that will work for you and your student to attend together. If you are unable to make your appointment, please update your reservation or let me know via email. I look forward to seeing you and your student and talking about their progress!

Also, there is No School this Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday for Fall Break.

Over Fall Break, your child can practice math at home using Reflex, Frax, and IXL. Please encourage them to practice everyday for just 15-20 minutes. A little consistency will go a long way!

Please also encourage your child to READ, READ, READ…20 minutes or more everyday…and tell you all about what they are reading, too!

Wishing you an incredible Fall Break!

Ms. Kierejewskl 

October 13, 2024.     Category: Uncategorized.   No Comments.

Skeleton Creek video 2 and 3


Password to video 2: Theraven

Password to Video3: PitandPendulum

October 8, 2024.     Category: Uncategorized.   No Comments.


Hello Everyone,

This week in math we will be learning about Powers of 10, and how to read, write, and evaluate expressions with exponents. This skill will prepare students for future algebra topics such as factoring and solving quadratic equations. As always, if your student could benefit from extra practice, you will receive an emailed invitation for after school tutoring.

In ELA, we are finishing our study of problem and solution text structure and will test on that skill on Friday. Please continue support of at-home reading for 20 minutes per day!

In science, we are learning all about Earth’s systems (the geosphere, biosphere, cryosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere) and how they interact to produce the environments we are familiar with.

If you haven’t done so yet, please sign up here for a time to meet with me for Family-Teacher Conferences next Monday, October 14th, and Tuesday, October 15th. Please choose a time that works for both you and your student to attend together. I can’t wait to discuss their progress with you!

Please note that Fall Break is also next week, October 16-18th, and there will be no school. I hope you enjoy that time together!

Warm Regards,

Ms. Kierejewski

October 6, 2024.     Category: Uncategorized.   No Comments.

Rise training

Hello 5th grade families! 
I forgot to let you know in yesterdays email that we will be training on rise testing on 10/14 and 10/15. Thank you. 

October 1, 2024.     Category: Uncategorized.   No Comments.

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