My favorite things
Hello! The office has asked me to post this on my blog so here we go!
Summer opportunity
Cheer Tryout results
Hello parents!
Another great week ahead. Please don’t forget about Maturation on Friday 04/12. Girls will be at 8:35 and boys will be at 9:30. If you are able to attend with your student that would be great! It is highly encouraged and appreciated if you can attend.
In ELA, We will be learning how summarizing a story can help us figure out the theme of that story.
In math, we will be working on Geometry.
As always, please reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you!
Hello parents!
Another great week ahead! Friday will be a dollar dress down day! Also, If your student is interested in the student council there is a meeting on Wednesday 03/27 in Miss. Cooks room. If you would like more information or can not attend the mandatory meeting please let me know and I will get you in contact with the advisors. Spring break is from 04/01-04/05!
In ELA, we will be working on asking and answering questions to find the author’s perspective.
In math, we will be working on analyzing patterns and relationships.
As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!
Hello Parents!
Another great week ahead! An important event this week is that there will be a lockdown drill on Thursday morning. I will be discussing what the lockdown drill will be and where they will go in the classroom etc Wednesday afternoon. If you could also have that conversation with them as well that would be helpful!
I sent some sticky notes home with the students who are invited to tutoring. I will be having it Monday and Wednesday for those students.
In ELA, we will be working on ask and answering questions in a text to find the author’s perspective.
In math, we will be working on line plots.
As always, thank you for your continued support and please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!
Hello parents!
Another great week ahead! With the crazy second winter that we had this weekend, please have students come prepared to possibly go outside this week!
This week in ELA, we will continue to work on making predictions and how that can help us figure out the plot and characters!
In math, We will be working on converting measurements!
It has been amazing and I am loving all of the work students continue to put in every day. As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Hello parents!
Another great week ahead! There is NO SCHOOL tomorrow 02/19! Enjoy the long weekend! Just a reminder that the field trip is 02/28 thank you to all that have volunteered to be a chaperone!
In ELA, we will continue to work on Text structure and ask and answer questions!
In math, we will be working on Volume!
As always, Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!
Hello parents!
Another great week ahead! Parent Teacher Conference will be Wednesday and Thursday this week which means there will be early out on both of those days. There will also be no school on Friday due to teacher work day.
In ELA, we will continue to work on Visualize and Characters perspective. It has been fun to do this unit!
In math, we will be working on subtracting fractions. They have been doing well with adding fractions so I am excited for this unit!
I am very excited to see you all this week! It will be a student-led conference so I would love it if your student can be at the conference with us so they can read their goals and grades!
If you have not filled out this form, please do so now!
Kierejewski Valentine Treat Permission
As always, Please let me know if you have any questions!
Hello Parents! It is time for another great week! Just a reminder that Friday is dollar dress down day!
This week in math we will learn how to add fractions! They have been doing very well in math and I know they will grow in this topic as well!
In ELA we will be working on visualizing and character perspectives. The theme of the stories this week is drama and I think it will be a very fun week!
I can’t wait for you to see how much your students have grown in reading! The growth is amazing and I couldn’t be any more proud of this amazing class! Here is the link to sign up for parent teacher conferences which will be 01/31-02/01
Please also fill out this permission slip for valentines day as well! Kierejewski Valentine Treat Permission
As always, Please let me know if you have any questions! Thank you for everything you do!