Our field trip to the zoo is coming up soon! It will be next Tuesday, September 8th. Buses will leave the school at 8:45, so please plan to have your child to school on time. Please pack a COLD LUNCH FROM HOME IN A DISPOSABLE SACK, labeled with your student’s NAME and please have your child wear a RED SHIRT that day; ALL STUDENTS SHOULD BE IN UNIFORM.
Please donate $3 to the office to help cover part of the cost of the field trip. About half of our class has already given a donation. Thank you!
VOLUNTEER CHAPERONES: If you volunteered to be a chaperone for the zoo at Back to School Night, I have your child’s name listed below. I need to get a very accurate count of how many chaperones will be attending the field trip so that I can assign students to groups. If your name is listed below, please respond to the e-mail I sent out or post a response to this post and tell me whether you will be attending for sure or not. Please indicate the name of the parent(s) who will be chaperoning and whether you will be riding the bus or meeting us at the zoo. Please remember to bring a backpack or large bag for carrying the lunches of your assigned students.
Parent of Khloee Esplin
Parent of Zoey Hemmert
Parent(s) of Christopher Israel
Parent of Tanner Larson
Parent of Saidi LaRue
Parent of Jaxx Lowder
Parent of Rowdy Rogers
Parent of Ryan Rowley
Parent of Rocky Speredon
Parent of Maylee Wilson
Thank you! We are looking forward to a spectacular day at the zoo!