Blog Trouble During Homework Post

Hello, Fabulous Parents!

On Friday when I tried to post the homework for this week, our blog website was having trouble – it wouldn’t allow me to update or change the blog posts in any way – which was a huge problem because the way I usually post the homework is to use an old homework post and then update it.  It wouldn’t even let me delete the post after the incorrect post had been posted.

The blog website was having the same trouble yesterday, but when I tried it again this morning, it actually did let me update the information, so now the homework post is correct!  

This should rarely be a problem – I have only had the blog do this one other time in all 4 years of teaching at Quest, so I am fairly certain that this won’t be a problem again this year. 🙂

I am sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused – I know that many of you like to have the option of getting some of the homework done and out of the way during the weekend.  I apologize.

Mrs. Dunmeyer

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