I can’t believe that we are reaching the close of the year!! I have thoroughly enjoyed my time with your amazing children, and I cannot believe the growth that was achieved this year. Our final tests were taken today and grades will be locked Sunday night and ready to be accessed Monday morning.
Today was the last day to turn in all Book Buddy books. I will be checking off each
student’s return of his/her Book Buddy book. I had a few students tell me today that their Book Buddies are lost or that they don’t know where they are. Please know that these Book Buddy books are purchased in sets, so when a book is missing, an entirely new set must be purchased to replace it. These sets cost between $35-$40 to replace, depending on which set it is. Please plan on submitting $35 to the office by Friday of next week (May 27th) if you are unable to locate your Book Buddy book so that we can be prepared with book supplies for next year’s students. Thank you so much for your help with this!