We finally heard back from the Hogle Zoo! Our new field trip date is confirmed and scheduled for Thursday September 22nd! We will be leaving the school at 9am and getting on the buses at the Hogle Zoo to come back to the school at 1pm. So, hopefully this still works with some of your schedules.
Below is the list of parent chaperones who signed up at Back to School Night. I realize that when you first signed up, we were planning on our field trip being on Sept. 6th, so I am not sure if the following parents are still able to come. If you are still able to come, or if you didn’t sign up, but would like to, please send an email to Mrs. Dunmeyer. We are only allowed to have 5 parents ride the bus with us, so the rest will need to drive separately. It appears that we already have enough parents signed up to ride the bus. Younger siblings may come with you as long as you drive separately and plan on paying zoo admission for them. Chaperones will need to bring a backpack to carry lunches for their group and bring a sack lunch for themselves.
Please plan on students wearing red shirts and uniform pants to the zoo, with good walking shoes. Students will need to bring a sack lunch from home that does not require a microwave, labeled with their names. School lunch will not be served.
April Duckworth……………..Bus
Kati Hammond………………Drive
Stacey McDonald…………..Drive
Harmony Bateman………….Bus
Shai Palmer…………………..Drive
Joe Taylor……………………..Bus
Jessica Russell………………Drive
Jennifer Gardner…………….Bus
Shelly Hemmelgarn…………Bus
Chantill Luthi………………….Drive/Bus