Volunteers Needed Beginning September 19th!

Thank you in advance to all the wonderful parents who have signed up to volunteer in our classroom! Volunteering is SO impactful in our classroom, and I appreciate those willing to give their time to help us be more successful.

Up to this point, we haven’t had a need yet for volunteers in our classroom because it has been important for students to first have a solid grasp of systems and procedures.  We are just now starting to get to that point, and I think we will be ready to have parents start volunteering beginning next week.

Below is the list of parents who signed up at Back to School Night to help in our classroom:
9:00-10:30         April Duckworth
2:30-3:00           Elizabeth Wood

9:00-10:30         Aimee Fleming
9:00-10:30         Kati Hammond

9:00-10:30         Kristin Peterson
2:30-3:00           Leslie Burton

9:00-10:30        Heidi Cook

Please be sure to first check in at the office when you come to volunteer. I usually ask parent volunteers to do one-on-one reading with students, which I feel has, by far, the greatest impact on academics and success in our classroom!!

If you didn’t have a chance to volunteer at Back to School Night to help in our classroom, you may do so at any time.  Feel free to e-mail me to schedule volunteering times or please feel free to drop in to our classroom to volunteer any time! I really mean it! 🙂 We particularly need help with reading pull-outs (one-on-one reading with students), and this can be done at any point during the day when we are not out of the classroom or when we’re not doing math or Waterford.  Please check our “Daily Schedule” on the blog (click on the “Daily Schedule” tab at the top of the blog) to find ideal times for volunteering and feel free to drop in!  In general, the very best times for volunteering are daily from 9:30-10:30 (during our “Literacy Centers” activities) and daily from 2:30-3:00 (during our “Reading Groups” activities). 

Thanks again!

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