We will be starting the first session (of two sessions) of our first-grade club in October. This will be an after-school science and art club. The club contract will be posted on the blog on Tuesday, September 20th.
Club contracts will need to be turned in to the Q1 office as soon as possible. The last day contracts will be accepted is September 30th. Admission into the club is limited and will be on a first-come-first-serve basis.
The first 20 contracts turned in will be accepted. We will contact you if your child has been accepted. If your child is accepted, there will be a $5 fee, along with rules that must be followed for continuation of club involvement.
Club will be every Thursday from 3:00-3:55. Pick up is at 4:00 sharp! Students will participate in a variety of science experiments and art activities.
There will be another session of first-grade club after Winter Break, sometime in January or February, so if you miss this session, there will be one more opportunity.