Be Sure to do a Nightly Check for Head Lice!



Your guide to knowing the facts about head lice, and some tips to help prevent the spread of head lice

Head lice are unwelcome visitors with the potential to turn your whole household upside down. But before you imagine the worst, it may help to separate the facts from the myths about head lice. We will also offer some practical advice to help keep head lice from spreading.

Head Lice Overview

This is what adult head lice look like.

What head lice look like: 6-legged, grayish-white insects about the size of a sesame seed. Nits are often mistaken for dandruff.

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This is what adult head lice look like from the front.

How head lice spread: Typically through head-to-head contact. Rarely, through contact with a shared item like a hat, helmet, scarf, or pillow. Head lice do not jump or fly.2

Head lice leave shiny nit (egg) casings attached to hair.

How long head lice live on the head: Up to 30 days after they reach adulthood. Lice do not infest furniture or carpets. Lice don’t live very long off the head, as they need blood to survive.2

How to check for head lice

Why it is a good idea to consult your doctor: Studies show that head lice are becoming resistant to some treatments. Some parents end up self-treating head lice up to 5 times before seeking professional care, so consider getting the doctor’s advice early on.

This information is taken from


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