Book Buddy Reading and Attendance

Dear Parents,

I have noticed a severe drop-off in the number of students turning in their “Book Buddy” Be in Schoolbooks each day and a severe drop off in attendance.  I want to be sure that you know that I am still teaching! 🙂  I still have a LOT to teach your child during the next few weeks, including a LOT of review to ensure that your child will do well on end-of-level testing.  We also have MANY projects in the works for the end of the year, and your child’s projects may be incomplete if he/she is not here.  

Read Every DayAdditionally, I cannot stress enough how important it is for your child to read each and every day! Please don’t allow your child to skip his/her Book Buddy reading due to “Spring fever,” as reading should be practiced consistently EVERY SINGLE DAY! 🙂 Believe me when I say: I’ve heard every excuse for not reading that a child could possibly come up with, some serious and some hilarious, often accompanied by the biggest, saddest puppy-dog eyes you’ve ever seen! But giving in to these excuses does not help your child in the long run.  Hold off on the video games, toys, etc. until your child’s reading is complete for the day!

Children who read every day are shown to have greater knowledge, larger vocabularies, more empathy for others, better communication skills, more logical thinking skills, enhanced concentration and self-discipline, and stronger relationships with their parents! 🙂

Thank you for your help with this! 

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