Please Keep All Pokemon Cards and Other Toys at Home! Thank you!

We are having a Pokemon card epidemic.  As with all other toys (and even toy-like school supplies or distracting jewelry), these items should stay home for the following reasons:

  • They can interfere with your child’s ability to focus and complete work.
  • They can interfere with your child’s need to get exercise during recess.Screen Shot 2016-02-24 at 11.49.38 AM
  • They can get lost here at school.
  • They can get broken.
  • They can be taken by another child, in which case it is very difficult to determine who the actual owner is.
I am happy to allow students to bring recess equipment, such as balls or jump ropes, to be used at recess time, as long as it is well-labeled with the child’s name.

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