Check for Lice!

Students in some classrooms at Quest have been hit with lice, and we do NOT want this to spread! Please, please check your child’s head for lice and for nits (lice eggs). As of yet, no children in our class have been identified as having lice, but it may have already spread from other classes.

If you do find lice, please know that the process of ridding your hair, clothing, and other articles (bedding, backpacks, etc.) of lice takes several days, as lice eggs usually hatch only after 7-10 days, but may take as long as 14 days! Lice combs do not remove nits, and are only able to separate hair and sometimes remove larger lice. If your child has lice, we do not want to see you back at school any time soon! Please do not bring your child to school again until all lice and eggs are completely removed and/or dead. 

Here is some information from the Health Department regarding lice (including videos and helpful documents).  – Removing Head Lice Safely Video (English and Spanish versions) from University of Nebraska – Head Lice website from the national Pediculosis Association. Has some FAQ’s, videos and resources about head lice prevention and treatment. – CDC Head Lice website. I haven’t seen any videos on this site, but good information and resources for public or anyone to use.

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