Hello, Wonderful Parents!
I am still having a few sweet little kiddos in tears each Friday because parents have not signed them up in time for pizza on Fridays. Our new sign-up system is working very well for the vast majority of students, but we still have a few who need to get caught up.I just wanted to make sure that all parents realize that the link to sign up for pizza appears with the homework post each week, and the homework post is placed on the blog every Friday the week before homework is due. So, that means, the pizza sign-up form is available for a full 6 days before it is due on Thursday mornings. If you would like your child to receive pizza for lunch, please be sure to sign the form by 8:30 on Thursday morning, the day before pizza is being served.
I have spoken with the kitchen staff a couple times on behalf of sad children, but if your child is not signed up for pizza in time, he/she will receive an Uncrustable sandwich that day for lunch; the kitchen staff has made it clear that we do not have the resources to order extra pizza “just in case” to accommodate the possibility of late sign-ups in all the many classes, so we will not be making that request of them. I hope you can understand how difficult and costly that would be.
I think it is a really good idea to go ahead and sign the form the first time you check the homework post each week – that way it is taken care of well before it is due! 🙂 Thanks so much for your help with this!