Field Trip

On Tuesday, February 4th, the entire 5th grade will be going on a Field Trip to Salt Lake City.  We will be touring the State Capitol as well as the Clark Planetarium. We will be renting busses to provide our transportation.  Busses will be leaving the school promptly at 8:45am and returning to the school by 2:45pm. We will have lunch at the State Capitol, so each student will need to provide their own home lunch and a pack to carry it in. If you would like to have the school provide a sack lunch, you need to email me directly by Monday, January 27th. Students will still need a pack to carry their lunch. To help cover the cost of the field trip, we are asking for a donation of $5 per student and chaperone who attends. The donations can be paid to either the Q1 or Q2 office.  For this field trip, we are only able to take five chaperones per class. If you are available to attend as a chaperone please indicate below and I will take the first five adults who sign the form and pay the $5 donation.  Please bring your receipt to me to let me know you have paid. Please complete the form below indicating whether or not your student will be allowed to attend and that you understand the requirement for this field trip.
⇒ Capital Field Trip Permission Form

As a side note, on May 27th, the 5th grade will be taking the FrontRunner to Ogden for our Field Day activities.  We will be going to the Solomon Center at the Junction. Students will be participating in IFly, IRock, and Flow Rider.  At this time the cost will be $15 per student. As the activity gets closer we will use any extra field trip funds to help cover the cost so the cost might go down, depending on previous donations.   Please put this on your calendar and help your students earn money to attend this field day experience.  

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