Our Kindergarten Halloween Party will be Friday, October 30 following the Halloween Parade. Look for an email with the afternoon Kindergarten Halloween parade route. Please complete the online permission form: Permission Form
E-learner students are welcome to dress up as well. So that the ENTIRE school can see our e-learners in their costumes, we ask parents to take pictures of their children and send them to Angelee Spader (aspader@questac.org) no later than Thursday, Oct. 29th. We will make a video compilation of these pictures and share it with all our students.
We will be holding three holiday parties this year; Halloween, Christmas, and Valentine’s. We are requesting a $3.00 donation for each party to help with the associated costs. If possible, please donate $9.00 for all holiday parties at this time. If you prefer you may donate $3.00 now and pay the remaining amount later. Thank you for your generous donations.
Costume Guidelines:
Please note that costumes should be modest and without blood or gore. Students may paint their faces or wear masks. Anything that depicts violence is banned (knives, guns, swords, spears, etc.). Just to reiterate, no blood, either depicted on the costume or in makeup, is allowed.