Snow Day Play Day
8:30-9:30 Morning Work: LET it SnoW? (5) Fix the sentence
Login into SEESAW and choose 2 activities. Use this clever link. This is the same link your child uses for iReady reading at home.
9:30: 10:30 Math: Add and subtract snowflakes, cut 10 snowflakes out of white
Paper and make 10 math problems out of them.
I-Ready math 15 mInutes (Login through Clever)
Adding sheets
10:30-11:30- Lunch/Recess Play in the snow drink some hot cocoa
11:30-11:45- Teacher Read
11:45-12:30 ELA Centers: 20 minutes ( They will use their username and password found on the “Log In Card” I sent home. If you need my email it is
Journal: If my snowman came to life I ________________
Wordwork: Write as many words as you can that rhyme with fan.
12:30-1:00 Writing:
Listen to the story, write the beginning, middle and end on a sheet of paper folded 3 times.
Draw a snowman