Monday- Hoagie and Chicken Taco
Tuesday- Bagel and Chicken Noodle Soup
Wednesday- Chips and Salsa and Chicken Quesadilla BRING FOLDER, BACKPACK and LIBRARY BOOK
Thursday- Christmas Ham Dinner
Friday- Pizza Dress Down, students can wear pajamas.
Winter Break – December 18 – January 2
High Frequency Words
Spelling Pattern, Soft c (ce, ci) and Soft g (dge, ge)
Math – Adding and Subtracting Fluently
How to Play Uno Flip
You will need:
- The number cards from a pack of Uno cards
- Post-it notes
- Paper and pen/pencil or our printable Uno Flip record sheet
To play:
1. Write a + symbol onto a post-it note and an = symbol on a post-it note and place on the table face up to form an addition equation, leaving room for the Uno cards to sit between the symbols.
2. Divide your Uno number cards into two piles and place piles as shown in the photo above.
3. Flip over one card from each pile and place it into the addition equation.
To practice writing equations, write the addition sentence, including the answer, onto your sheet of paper or record your answer on our printable record sheet.