The first three days were great! We did lots of practicing procedures and learning how to use the tools in our classroom. We discussed how to be a good friend, ways to make our classroom like a family and that it is okay to feel scared, nervous, excited and happy!
What to look forward to.
Monday– Full day 8:30-3:10 Make sure your child has headphones at school!
I will not be outside for dismal with your child everyday this week. Each grade has a assigned day to be out for pickup. First grade is assigned for Thursdays, so that is the day you will see me. Please make sure they know where to meet you! Everyday there will be teachers and staff outside if your child needs help they will be able to find a Quest employee.
Tuesday– Full day 8:30-3:10
Wednesday– Full day, send backpack and home school folder. SEND “All About Me” paper back to school.
Thursday– Short Day 8:30-1:10
Words to Know!!! Here are the High Frequency Words we will be working on for the next couple of weeks. These should be review from Kindergarten, but it is always helpful to make sure your child knows them.
Here are some ideas on how to help your child to be successful in 1st grade. Learning to read and do math is IMPORTANT!! BUT in first grade we also learn new social skills and learn to be more independent.
“Your child has already conquered Kindergarten. Now it’s time to look ahead to First Grade. Amid the excitement, you probably have lots of questions.What does it mean to be first grade ready? What does First Grade look like these days? What will my child be expected to know? You may wonder what you can do to make sure your child is prepared for this big step in his academic career.
Don’t worry! Here are the most important readiness skills your child will need before beginning First Grade. We will also suggest simple things you can do at home to help.
Follows Rules and Expectations at Home and School
Social skills are a huge part of school success. Students who are able to follow directions and interact well with their peers have a happier school experience and are able to learn better. Does your child get along well with others? Do they understand the concepts of taking turns?
In Preschool and Kindergarten, children become familiar with the routines and expectations of school, but there are things parents can do at home to teach and practice as well:
- Reinforce school expectations at home
Present a unified front with your child’s teachers at school. Help her understand that her parents and teachers are all on the same page.
- Model prosocial behavior
Use polite words such as “please”, “thank you”, and “excuse me”, and encourage your child to do the same. What children see is what they do, so make good manners a household habit.
- Encourage socialization as much as possible
Children need practice interacting with others outside of school. Does your child play with neighborhood children or go on playdates? Do they play a sport or enjoy a hobby? These types of activities provide rich opportunities for socialization even away from the classroom.
Keep in mind that your child’s First Grade class may have more children than their Kindergarten class did. In First Grade, they will be expected to work independently and stay focused on a task for longer amounts of time. Help your child be prepared by having them work or play independently at home while you cook dinner or work on something around the house. Praise them for keeping occupied for a designated amount of time without interrupting you (except for emergencies, of course), and challenge them to beat their record next time.”