Link to Class Disclosure
Mrs. Vigil’s Classroom Disclosure
Welcome to a new school year! I am looking forward to an exciting year with many learning experiences for your child in 1st grade. I am pleased to have the opportunity to work with you and your child and am committed to helping them experience a rewarding year!
Please find included in this disclosure helpful information for the school year and important guidelines, rules and policies that will help our classroom function well:
Contact Information/Availability: Communication is a key part to a successful year. If you have any questions, the best way to reach me is by email. I will be at Quest Academy from 7:30 – 3:30 Monday – Friday. Email is probably the easiest form of communication:
You can call the school at 801-731-9859 my classroom ext is 115.
School Schedule:
Monday – Thursday: 8:30 am – 3:10 pm
Friday/Early Out: 8:30 am – 1:10 pm
Classroom Rules:
- We take care of ourselves.
- We take care of each other.
- We take care of our school.
- We take care of the world.
Communication between SCHOOL & HOME.
One of the main tools I use to share information with you will be through our CLASS BLOG. I strongly encourage you to SUBSCRIBE to the blog so you will receive notifications when new posts are up. Also check the blog regularly so that you make sure you are staying up to date with classroom events and other updates.
Each child will have a HOME/SCHOOL FOLDER. In one of the pockets each week you will see completed work that should be looked through and celebrated with your child. They will want to share what they have been working on and your interest in their work is a great motivator to always do their best!! Those papers need to be removed each week. The other pocket will be what needs to be worked on throughout the week. (High Frequency Words, Reading Passages and Math Games.)
Understanding where students are in relation to MASTERY of Common Core Standards help teachers and parents know if students need additional support. At Quest Academy, students’ grades are determined by student performance on various assessments. Students are given multiple opportunities to demonstrate mastery and proficiency. For example, if a student receives a below proficiency score, he/she will not only be retaught, but will also have the opportunity to raise his/her score by retaking the assessment multiple times throughout the school year. We are excited for the opportunities offered to our students for academic growth.
4 = 100% – 90%: The student demonstrates mastery of the standard.
3 = 89% – 80%: The student demonstrates proficiency in the standard.
2 = 79% – 60%: The student is approaching proficiency.
1 = 59% – 0%: The student is well below proficiency.
Read Every Day
To continue to grow as a reader, be sure to read decodable and “just right” books for at least 15 – 20 minutes every day.
Each week we will focus on a “sound” and be watching for words with that sound. We will work with the focus sound every day in class and then the following week your child will bring home reading passages with that sound. Once a reading passage comes home, we have read the passage, looked for words with the sound and written words with that sound. It will be so helpful no matter what reading level your child is on to RE READ these passages for the next week. (Remember these kids are NEW READERS and NEED lots of exposure to these words to be able to fluently read.)
Your child will also be learning 5 to 6 High Frequency Words EACH WEEK. High Frequency Words are words that have advanced spelling patterns that students might not have learned in Kindergarten. When learning these words, PRACTICE spelling the word when reading it. A list of 5 to 6 words will come home each week. There are so many things you can do with those words.
Here are just a couple of ideas: Let your child cut them out and glue them onto an index card, or write them on a card and build Flash Cards. Make two copies of the words and play Go Fish, Memory Match or hide them around your house and let your child go on a Word Hunt and have a paper to write the word on once it is found.
By the end of the year your child should know 195 High Frequency Words. It is less overwhelming, to work on and master a few each week.
First Grade provides a chance to learn social skills. I follow the Love and Logic principles of discipline. Children learn expectations and gain understanding of following those expectations. It takes some practice which I provide. A classroom setup with clear expectations fosters more learning. We do have rules and procedures in place for success. We will spend many weeks practicing so that everyone is comfortable with the rules and procedures. It is important to me to have a safe and comfortable environment where learning can take place. I want my students to be excited to come to school each day and know that they belong in my classroom and are safe. For example, I teach respect and kindness by example. It is my goal to teach students the “good feeling” that comes from making good choices. If a child makes a “sad choice”, there are consequences that have been discussed and understood for such choices. Should a situation arise that your child demonstrates extreme behaviors I will be in communication with parents so that we can work together to fix any problems. There are times and reasons the students earn other types of rewards that may be getting into the Class Treasure Box, or choosing a coupon that can be redeemed at a certain point.
Donations are voluntary and very much appreciated. The needed supplies can be found on the Class Blog under the tab: PARENT INFORMATION We also ask for voluntary donations for field trips and class parties throughout the year as they come up. Additionally, donations of your time are critical to our class success. I LOVE TO HAVE PARENTS VOLUNTEER IN SO MANY DIFFERENT WAYS!!
Birthday Celebrations:
When it is close to your child’s birthday watch for an ALL ABOUT ME POSTER to come home to complete and return. I celebrate all summer birthdays at the beginning of the school year. I will highlight each student as we celebrate their birthday. Some children choose to bring a small token gift for the other students in the class. (We have 26 students in our class.) As per Quest’s Wellness policy, I ask that students do not bring any food-type treats. Some students choose to gift a book for the class library in lieu of treats. PLEASE DO NOT FEEL OBLIGATED TO HAVE YOUR STUDENT BRING IN ANYTHING FOR HIS/HER BIRTHDAY, doing so is completely optional.
School Calendar:
Please be familiar with the school calendar for “early out” or “no school days”. You can view/obtain a copy of the calendar from the Quest Academy website
Name Badges:
Each student is given a name badge at the beginning of the year and is required to wear them. These badges should remain at the school each day. If your child forgets to remove their badge at the end of the day, please have them immediately put it somewhere they will remember to wear it to school the next day. If the badge becomes lost or destroyed, a new one will need to be purchased at the school office for $5.00.
Dress Code:
ALL STUDENTS ARE REQUIRED TO WEAR UNIFORMS. Parents are responsible for ensuring that their children wear the designated school uniform clothing as outlined on the Quest Website. For your convenience click here for this information.
I do my best to prevent the spreading of germs. I use sanitizing wipes and encourage proper hand washing after using the restroom. Understand the kids sit very closely to each other, and are in line right next to each other. I realize that you don’t always know for sure if they are sick, but please do not send your child to school if you suspect your child is ill by the way they are behaving or signs shown. Keep your child at home if they have had a fever in the past 24 hours. If you have taken them to the doctors and they have been given an antibiotic they need to be on that for at least 24 hours prior to sending them to school. If they have had something highly contagious such as strep throat or pink eye, always ask your health provider what the appropriate time frame is before sending them to school.
Classroom Disclosure Form that Needs to be READ and Completed.This can be done by clicking on this link: Classroom Disclosure Form. If you need a physical copy to complete I can provide that.