Sep. 9th-13th

Yet another great week! I hope your child is enjoying their time in our classroom as much as I am. I have loved starting our in-class read-aloud book and the suspense of the videos that go along with it! Our 5th-grade family is coming together fast!

This week in math, we will begin lesson 4, where students will be introduced to the standard algorithm for multiplication. This is a big math standard for 5th grade. We will spend a week on multiplication, a week on division, and then a week reviewing. The good news is that the standard algorithm is the method we grew up with, so parents feel free to dive into math with their students.

Tutoring sessions will also begin this week by invitation only. If your child could benefit from this extra time, you will receive an email from me with more details.

In ELA, we will be considering the question, “How do we get the things we need?” while we explore the plot of fictional stories and the chronological structure of informational texts.

In science, we are learning about the water cycle.

Important reminders:

  • Cookie Dough Fundraiser starts Sept 16th.
  • Book Fair Sept 23rd – 27th.
  • Dollar Dress Down Sept 27th.

As always thank you for your continued support!

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