A huge THANK YOU to all the parents who helped out with our Multiplication Madness Party. THANK YOU for donating ice cream, whipping cream, and for coming in to help out. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! We could not do these fun activities without your help!
- No School on Monday! I hope you have a great long weekend!
- Permission Forms for the Planetarium field trip are due on Wednesday, the 17th!
- This week we will be working on comparing fractions and fractions as a set in math.
- We will be finishing up our writing on which animal we think would be a good replacement for the groundhog and start our power point presentations!
- We will be finishing our unit on Mouse and the Motorcycle and practice inferences.
- 3rd Grade is in charge of making a basket to auction at the upcoming gala on March 21st. We have chosen to do a sports theme, i.e. Jazz, Utah, BYU, etc. Donations would be welcome! We need them by Feb. 24.
There will be NO SORTS this week!
Please remember to submit your homework online under the homework tab, or, print out the Sort and Reading Log (below) and send it in on Thursday. I have many students who are not submitting their reading minutes or sorts. Please make sure that these get handed in.
Reading – 20 minutes every night
Students may use RAZ-KIDS for reading. Username: nlloyd2
Tuesday – Fractions as a Set
Wednesday – Comparing Fractions
Thursday – Equivalent Fractions