End of September!

Monday: Library
Tuesday: Skype Call with Sea World
Music with Mrs. Viernew
Thursday: STEM
Parent Conferences
Friday: Dress Down Day
Short Friday

Math Homework

Read 20 minutes each night and turn in  Sort and Reading Log or the electronically http://qacblogs.org/nichol.lloyd/homework/reading/
I know life gets busy but please do not skip the reading. It is really the most important each night. Some ideas that I have used over the years is have an older child read to a younger child or read together as a family for 20 minutes and have everyone take turns reading.

Our class will be working on double f, double l, double t, & double s patterns this week. Please print off this sort: purplesort16 and record your sorts on the Sort and Reading Log or electronically http://qacblogs.org/nichol.lloyd/homework/reading/ with your reading minutes.

Monday-ABC Sort
Tuesday-Speed Sort
Wednesday-No Peeking Sort
Thursday-Glue Sort

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