Parent Conferences

Thursday is SEP night.  This particular night will be open house style.  You may come in and discuss your child and their progress thus far in the year.  I will be in my room from 3:30 until 4:30. I will be sending home their SEP form before Thursday and the 3rd quarter report cards will be available after Monday. 

Homework Week of March 23


Group 1:
Joshua, Conner M, Dawson,  Gracie, Jaiden, Chace
yellow sort 21

Group 2:
Gunner, Macey, Gauge, Kyler, Colin
yellow sort 41

Group 3:
Aiden, Maya, Alex, Rowdy, Avery
green sort 6

Group 4:
William, Rhett, Avena, Zackery
green sort 11

Read for 20 minutes
SORT – ABC Sort – Have your child explain the sort rule to you and put their words in alphabetical order.
MATH- 11.2   ALL

Read for 20 minutes
SORT – Speed Sort

MATH- Chapter 11.3  ODDS
Chapter 11.3 Key

Read for 20 minutes
SORT –  No Peeking Sort

MATH –  Grams/Kilograms – Key Attached  ALL

Read for 20 minutes
SORT – Glue Sort – Glue down the rules and the sorts that follow those rules
MATH – 11.4  ALL


Our class as a whole did AMAZING on their Chapter 10 fraction test. I am very proud of their hard work learning fractions. We were able to do a lot of hands on activities and we had a lot of fun.

  • We are out of Kleenexes and glue sticks again. Any help with donations of these would be greatly appreciated! We also could use some printer paper.
  • Remember there is NO SCHOOL this Friday for Teacher Development Day.
  • Parent Conferences on Thursday, March 26
  • Spring Break is March 30-April 3
THANK YOU AGAIN!! We really do have a great class and GREAT parents!

Homework Week of March. 16

Remember to sign the attached sort/reading log and turn in homework THURSDAY this week since there is no school on Friday. THANK YOU!!



Group 1:
Joshua, Conner M, Dawson,  Gracie, Jaiden, Chace
yellow sort 20

Group 2:
Gunner, Macey, Gauge, Kyler, Colin
yellow sort 40

Group 3:
Aiden, Maya, Alex, Rowdy, Avery
green sort 5

Group 4:
William, Rhett, Avena, Zackery
green sort 10

Read for 20 minutes and record on reading log
SORT – ABC Sort – Have your child explain the sort rule to you and put their words in alphabetical order.
MATHFrontRowEd for 10 minutes

Read for 20 minutes and record on reading log
SORT – Speed Sort
MATH –  Chapter 11.1Do problems 1-9
Chapter 11.1 Key

Read for 20 minutes and record on reading log
SORT – Glue Sort – Glue down the rules and the sorts that follow those rule
MATH – Capacity Fraction WorksheetALL – Key Attached

Class Play!!!

I wanted to give the parents heads up about a class play we will be working on and performing. We won’t be performing it until the end of the year, but I will need parents help in putting some things together for it. The play is a spin off of The Wizard of Oz. It incorporates Common Core Language Arts and will be a lot of fun for the students. EVERY student will have a part in it. I know some will not be excited at first about it but my experience is that once they start practicing in class they will love it.

I will need each a parent or a group of parents to make some type of a backdrop for the play performance. Last year Ms. Waddell’s class used large refrigerator boxes to do this so it does not have to be fancy by any means. PLEASE contact me if you are interested or willing to help us out with this. I can give you more information as you express interest to me. I know how busy the end of the school year is for parents and students so that is why I’m giving you heads up so early!

Thanks again!!

More Homework Information

I also wanted to let parents know that I don’t expect you to print out the speed sort paper or the glue sort unless you would like to. The speed sort can just be timed at home and as long as you sign your signature telling me that your child has done it, I trust you and will give them credit. Feel free to glue the sort on any piece of paper to cut down on printing costs as well.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. I want homework accountability to be as effortless as possible for the parents while still holding the students accountable for what they are doing at home.

Thank You! We have a GREAT class this year and I enjoy them all!!

Homework Week of March 9


I have decided to NOT do a weekly homework organizer anymore and replace it with the Sort/Reading log included in the homework post every week. The log will only be a half sheet which I hope will reduce the printing costs on your part.  I am hoping that it will be easier on the parents and we will have more reading minutes and sort logs turned in. PLEASE turn these in each Friday. It is so important for your third grader to become responsible and accountable for the work they do at home.


Group 1:
Joshua, Conner M, Dawson,  Gracie, Jaiden, Chace
yellow sort 19

Group 2:
Gunner, Macey, Gauge, Kyler, Colin
yellow sort 39

Group 3:
Aiden, Maya, Alex, Rowdy, Avery
green sort 4

Group 4:
William, Rhett, Avena, Zackery
green sort 9

Read for 20 minutes and record on reading log
SORT – ABC Sort – Have your child explain the sort rule to you and put their words in alphabetical order.
MATH- Do one lesson on Woot! Math

Read for 20 minutes and record on reading log
SORT – Speed Sort

MATH- 10.7  ODDS

Read for 20 minutes and record on reading log
SORT –  No Peeking Sort

MATH –  Do 1 lesson on Woot! Math.

Read for 20 minutes and record on reading log
SORT – Glue Sort – Glue down the rules and the sorts that follow those rules
MATH – 10.8  EVENS

Dr. Seuss Week

Dr. Seuss Week Events
Monday—Happy Birthday Dr Seuss. Wear red day and read your favorite Dr. Seuss book at school or at home.
Tuesday –Don’t be a grinch day. Do a service for someone else. Students will get Dr. Seuss bookmarks.                 
Wednesday—Horton Hears a Who Day.  Each student will get a friendship bracelet to wear to remind them to always  treat others kindly no matter what. It is also the start of the door voting.
         Thursday—500 hats of Bartholomew Cubbins- Wear a fun hat to school today.
         Also, last day for door voting. 
         Friday—Fox in Socks Day—Crazy sock day.  Door contest awards given out.