3rd Grade Homework Organizer
Directions: Always keep this in your homework folder. Print off required homework for each day from our Class Blog. Each day place a check in the box when you finish your homework. Have a parent initial the column and bring back this sheet every day in your homework folder.
Reading Log
Individual Sort-Sort 46-Prefixes
Have your child explain the sort rule to you and continue the sheet we started in class. If your child doesn’t have the sheet this is a blank copy Monday homework-Individual Sort. **You will need to print it out this week. It did not get sent home.
- Individual Sort
- 20 minutes of reading
Time your child doing the sort three times.
- Speed Sort
- 20 minutes of reading
- Multiplication-Lesson 1
Read the sort words to your child aloud (without showing them) and have them write them under the correct rule column with the correct spelling.
- No Peeking Sort
- 20 minutes of reading
- Multiplication-Lesson 2
Glue down the rules and the sorts that follow those rules
- Glue Sort
- 20 minutes of reading
- Multiplication-Lesson 3
- Bring in disclosure statement
Thanks for your patience!
Ms. Young
What is the teacher log-in for Raz kids?
Sorry! It is nyoung23