- SEP Thursday 3:30-4:30
- Short day Friday
- Popcorn Fundraiser has started!!!
- No school 23-27
- Don’t forget to bring in box tops and donations for our service learning activity
Sort and Reading Log
Word Sorts
Blue Group-Sort/Key
Yellow Group-Sort/Key
Green Group-Sort/Key
Purple Group–Sort/Key
Orange Group-Sort/Key
Monday-ABC Sort
- 20 minutes of reading
- Multiply by 2
- 20 minutes of reading
- Divide by 2 every other problem (odds or evens, but they are not numbered)
- 20 minutes of reading
- Multiply by 5 every other problem (odds or evens, but they are not numbered)
- 20 minutes of reading
- www.prodigygame.com/play