Homework for the Week Jan 25, 2016

  • Don’t forget to bring in box tops
  • Multiplication Madness party is on Feb. 12th
  • Field trip Feb. 4th. Permission slip–Children’s Theatre Permission Slip
  • 3rd Grade is in charge of making a basket to auction. We have chosen to do a sports theme, i.e. Jazz, Utah, BYU, etc. Donations would be welcome, as well as a parent who would like to spearhead the project. Let me know if you are interested. Donations can be brought in starting today. Thanks!!
Sort and Reading Log

Word Sorts

Blue Group-Sort/Key

Yellow Group-Sort/Key

Green Group-Sort/Key

Orange Group-Sort/Key

Monday-ABC Sort
Tuesday-Speed Sort
Wednesday-No Peeking Sort
Thursday-Glue Sort
  • 20 minutes of reading
  • Chapter Review Odds

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