Homework for the Week of March 20, 2017

  • Please continue to practice and drill your multiplication facts at home.
  • We have a field trip coming up on March 24th. We will be going to the Living Aquarium in Draper. The plan is to ride the front runner down and shuttle to the aquarium.
  • We also have a field trip to Clark Planetarium scheduled for April 14th. We will be riding the Front Runner and using TRAX to get there. 
  • We are starting to read through our class play! I’m so excited!
  • Field trip on Friday!!!



Students know that when we count money each one gets a certain number of “touches” (this is touch math). Quarters get 5 touches, dimes get 2 touches, nickels get 1 touch, and pennies get the number 1 written on it.

Yellow Group-Sort
Blue Group-Sort

Green Group-Sort

Orange Group-Sort


Students are expected to read every night for 20 minutes.

  • Please record your reading minutes under the Library Reading Challenge tab as well as on the reading log. Here is the updated reading log if you want to print it out and turn it in. Reading Log


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