Week of February 18, 2019

  • Thank you to the volunteers who came and in and sent in supplies for our Valentine’s Day party!! We had a blast
    • I’ve attached some pictures at the bottom of the post!
  • Living Aquarium bus field trip- Wednesday, February 27th (Parents will need to drive for this field trip because students will be riding a bus.)
    • If you have not paid, please do that ASAP!!
  • Curiosity Museum field trip- Wednesday, April 10th 
    • REMEMBER-I already have the 10 chaperone spots filled!
      • If you signed up to go and plans have changed, let me know ASAP, we have a waitlist.
What’s Happening in Math
Screen Shot 2019-02-15 at 2.24.00 PM Screen Shot 2019-02-15 at 2.24.09 PM
Important Dates:
Monday  –  No School 
–  President’s Day–No School
Tuesday   Library @ 1:00
Friday –  Dress Down

February 27th  –  Aquarium Field Trip

April 10th  –  Museum of Curiosity Field Trip

Reading Homework

Our goal is to have student’s read 20 minutes per night. 

Math Homework
Each student will need to get onto www.reflexmath.com (access under student links on the Quest website, or on the blogs sidebar under Homework Links) and complete their “green light” (the middle has to be green) Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (3 sessions). Students have practiced logging in the last week but, just in case they don’t remember, the class username is “shark″ and all passwords are “rams”.  If students do not complete Reflex at home they will complete it during recess time.

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