6-10 December

Welcome to another week! In Math, we are starting Lesson 14 on adding and subtracting fractions and decimals in word problems and ELA this week, discussing and reading stories about things we can learn from other cultures.

As a reminder, we take our weekly assessments on Fridays so please make sure if your student is not ill that they attend school. If you know in advance that your student will not be attending on a Friday please let me know so I can make arrangements to have them take their assessment on Thursday. Message me with any questions at all.


  • 11:15-Computer Science
  • 3:00-Math tutoring


  • 11:15-Science


  • 11:15-Writing
  • 3:00-Math tutoring


  • 11:00-Library
  • 11:30-Character development


  • ELA assessment
  • Math assessment
  • 1:00-Early out

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