April 11-15

Families, I hope everyone had an amazing Spring Break!  

Monday (April 11)

  • 11:15   Computer Science
  • 12:10   P.E.
  • 3:00    Release time/Math tutoring

Tuesday (April 12)

  • 11:15   Science
  • 3:00    Release time

Wednesday (April 13)

  • 11:15   Writing
  • 12:10   P.E.
  • 3:00    Release time/Math tutoring

Thursday (April 14)

  • 11:00   Library
  • 11:30   Character Development
  • 3:00    Release time

Friday (April 15)

  • 1:00    Release

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2 Responses to April 11-15

  1. taycee says:

    thank you

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