April 18-22

Here is wishing all my 5th-grade fabulous families a very Happy Easter. We started lesson 31 for Math last Friday, and will be completing that lesson and lesson 32 this week!

Monday (April 18)

  • 11:15   Computer Science
  • 12:10   P.E.
  • 3:00    Release time/Math tutoring

Tuesday (April 19)

*SPRING PICTURES*   Free dress down day or should I say “dress-up” day for Spring pictures!

  • 11:15   Science
  • 3:00   Release time

Wednesday (April 20)

  • 11:15   Writing
  • 12:10   P.E.
  • 3:00    Release time/NO Math tutoring*

Thursday (April 21)

  • 11:00   Library
  • 11:30   Character Development
  • 3:00    Release time/Math tutoring (*make-up tutoring day)

Friday (April 22)

  • 1:00     Release

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