Breakfast/lunch this year

Parents, please be made aware of the below items.

–School meals will no longer be free this year, parents wishing to apply for free/reduced meals can complete the application online through your parental Aspire account.  It is a super quick process, only taking a few minutes of your time.

–Breakfast will be served in the Q1 lunchroom same as last school year.  The price will be $0.40 for students that qualify for the reduced price and $1.50 for full-pay students.

–Lunch will cost $0.40 for students that qualify for the reduced price and $2.00 for all full-pay students K-9th grade. 

–If your child has allergies, please be sure to contact Madeline Chestnut (Quest Kitchen Manager, so she can make sure everything is documented and that her staff is aware of any allergies your child may have.

**This is a big one… because we will go back to scanning ID’s for breakfast/lunch students must have their ID badge when coming through the lunch line

–I will do everything in my power to make sure badges do not come home at the end of the day, but in the chance, that one makes it out the door your student must have it back at school the following day. If your child doesn’t have their badge we will have them contact you to bring it to school.

Please let me know if you have any questions at all and see you Monday at back-to-school night!

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