September 5-10


I hope everyone had a great long weekend! I will begin Math tutoring this Thursday at 8:00am and will be inviting those students that need a little added assistance with last week’s lesson on the standard algorithms for multiplication, families can expect an email from me if your child would benefit. Also, if your students get their breakfast at Quest in the morning, they are welcome to bring it with them and eat it in the classroom during tutoring. This week our math focus is on dividing using long division.

In ELA we will be discussing how experiencing nature can change the way you feel about it. We will read narrative nonfiction stories, and discuss why it is essential to ask and answer questions as you are reading and how to identify cause and effect in text.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have.

If you haven’t done so, please pay your $25 supply fee 

Thank you,

Mrs. Robinson

have a good week

Monday (September 5)

  • No School

Tuesday (September 6)

  • 2:25                 Writing with Mrs. Young
  • 3:20 pm           Release time

Wednesday (September 7)

  • 9:20 am           S.T.E.E.M
  • 12:20 pm         P.E.
  • 2:25 pm           Science with Ms. Hales
  • 3:20 pm           Release time

Thursday (September 8)

  • 8:00 am           Math tutoring (by invite only please)
  • 9:20 am           Library
  • 2:25 pm           Social Studies with Mrs. Shaw
  • 3:20 pm           Release time

Friday (September 10)

  • 9:20                 Math “show what you know” (what our class calls tests or assessments)
  • 11:30               ELA “show what you know”  
  • 1:20                 Early release

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