October 24-29

5th-grade families,

Our weather looks like it is quickly changing, please make sure your student is dressed warmly for those cold mornings!  Also, if they do not need to bring a backpack I would greatly appreciate it if they kept it at home, we are so limited on hanging space and when the winter coats come out our space gets even more limited. The library is on Thursday so that would probably be the only day a backpack might be needed. I am also noticing more and more toys being brought from home, and super heavy packed backpacks with toys, board games, crafts, and other fun items. Please encourage your student to keep these at home, I can’t be held responsible for them and they won’t be able to use them throughout the day, so it’s just unnecessary weight to carry around.

5th grade has been having some struggles during lunchtime, the issues include food being thrown and students mixing all of their food items together causing huge messes for the staff.  I will begin sending out messages today for students whose behavior is an issue in the lunchroom, so please talk with your student about your expectations during that time. Contact me with any questions.

A reminder for this week, Parent-teacher conferences are Wednesday and Thursday from 4-8pm, please note these are also early out days for students, with Friday being a day off for students. Please make sure you have reserved a time, I will be unable to see you if you pop in without making an appointment prior. I’m looking forward to meeting with you to talk about your amazing 5th grader!

I sent an email with the Halloween permission slip, please get that signed as soon as you have a moment.

As always, let me know if there is anything I can do or any questions you may have. See you this week and stay warm.

Thank you,

Mrs. Robinson

Monday (October 24th) *Canned food drive dress down (5 cans needed, if your student wants to dress down)

  • 9:20                 Computer Science
  • 12:20               P.E.
  • 2:25                 Math Specials

Tuesday (October 25th)

  • 8:00                 Math tutoring  
  • 3:20 pm           Release time

Wednesday (October 26th) *Canned food drive dress down (5 cans needed, if your student wants to dress down)

  • 9:20 am           S.T.E.E.M
  • 12:20 pm         P.E.
  • 1:20 pm           Release time
  • 4:00-8:00pm   PTC

Thursday (October 27th)

  • 9:20 am           Library
  • 12:20 pm         P.E.
  • 1:20 pm           Release time
  • 4:00-8:00pm   PTC

Friday (October 28th)

  • Teacher work day, students are off

**Positive Me week is coming from October 31st through November 4th. This is for both the elementary and Jr. high. This will replace Dr. Seuss Week but we will still have a Dr. Seuss Day on March 2nd. 

Monday: Scare drugs away 

– Wear your costume! 

Tuesday: Twin Day 

– Dress like someone who doesn’t do drugs 

– Twin with a friend, teacher, celebrity, etc. 

Wednesday: Wacky Hair Wednesday

– Drugs are wacky, don’t do them 

Thursday: Throwback Thursday (decades dress) 

– Drugs are so in the past 

Friday: Flannel Friday

– Don’t fall for drugs

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