5th-grade families,

Welcome to another amazing week and the last week before Thanksgiving Break!

Since our cold temperatures have arrived the large winter coats have arrived as well so please remember if your student doesn’t absolutely need a backpack we ask that they do not bring one to school, we are so limited on space. Also as a friendly reminder, please have your students keep Cell phones, Pokemon cards, and other trading cards as well as games and other items that can be a distraction at home.  Students are not allowed to bring those items to recess or to lunch so there is no need for them to carry them to school at all. Thank you so much for your help with this!

This week in math we will be finishing our lesson on dividing by decimals as well as taking our first PRACTICE Rise Benchmark test. Please let me know if you have any questions about the practice benchmark. As for ELA, we will be taking our Unit 2 Assessment, however, if your student is concerned remind them most of the assessment will be taken together as a class.   

Be on the lookout for a permission slip this week for our 1 December field trip to Hogle Zoo! I will be looking for parent volunteers for this trip, so please mark your calendars. 

Have a great week and as always Please message me with any concerns you may have.

Monday (November 14th)

·  9:20             Computer Science

·  12:20           P.E.

·  2:25             Math Specials

Tuesday (November 15th)

·  8:00             Math tutoring 

·  2:25             Writing with Mrs. Young

·  3:20 pm       Release time

Wednesday ( November 16th)

·  9:20 am       S.T.E.E.M

·  12:20 pm     P.E.

·  2:25 pm       Science with Ms. Hales

·  3:20 pm       Release time

Thursday ( November 17th)

·  8:00 am       Math tutoring

·  9:20 am       Library

·  2:25 pm       Social Studies with Mrs. Shaw

·  3:20 pm       Release time

Friday ( November 18th)

·  9:20             Math “show what you know”

·  11:30           ELA “show what you know”  

·  1:20             Early release

Mark your calendar:

18 November Dollar Dress Down

21-25 November Thanksgiving Break

1 December Field Trip to Hogle Zoo

2 December Angel Tree Dress Down

3 December Reindeer Run

19-30 December Christmas Break

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